This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-11-26 04:59:59 to 2022-12-24 04:59:59. View results

It's that time of year again, Nintendo 64 graphics time!

That's right! It's low poly, it's 3-point texture filtered, the lighting is terrible (in a good way), and it reminds me of the winter I first got a Nintendo 64. Nintendo 64 style graphics are a distinct art style of the late 90s known for blocky low poly models, and really low resolution textures. The more blocky the art, the better! If that sounds intriguing to you, join us for a trip down low poly lane in a blast from the past game jam!

Additional Constraint: No Violence

Some N64 Resource


                                                                                                      Godot 3-point texture filter Shader

                                                                                           Project source code geared to N64 graphic


                                                                                                                   Unity Retro3D shader

General Resources

                                                                                                         Youtube tutorial (General advice)

                                                                                                          How to Make N64 Style Graphics


  • The JAM will start November 25th 11:59:59 PM EST  and end December 23rd 11:59:59 PM EST  (1 month long)
  • That's right, you have a month to finish you're game so everybody has time to get the creative juices flowing and still enjoy the holidays
  • Games should be made in the style of old N64 games. That means low poly count, and low resolution textures, and any other magic you can manage that gives us that old late 90s feel. (See some of the resource links above for ideas).
  • Does your game have to run on an N64? No, that would be impressive, but no, run it in a browser, an exe for windows, linux, and mac. Those are all fine.  Your goal should just be to imitate the art style. The important part is that people can easily play your game.
  • Use any game engine you would like to use, some options if this is your first game jam
    • Unreal Engine (3D and 2D) (I don't recommend using Unreal Engine 5 as a beginner as it was just released in June)
    • Unity (3D, and 2D)
    • Godot (3D, and 2D) (Use Godot 3.5 as a beginner, Godot 4 is in beta)
    • pygame (library, primarily 2D)
    • GameMaker (Primariy 2D)
  • All art work, sounds, and assets should have an attribution of some kind, and be uploaded with your game. Any use of copyrighted work will result in an immediate ejection into space where you will be poked with a stick for eternity. (Well, maybe). But, seriously, use what you are allowed to use. I reserve the right to remove your game from the jam otherwise.

Judging Criteria

    • Theme
    • Unexpected mechanics
    • Visuals
    • Sound
    • Uniqueness
    • Cohesiveness
  • Anybody can vote on entries in the jam, but you will be required to vote on three random entries before you can vote on any specific entry. This is intended to prevent vote brigading, and manipulation. Please vote on entries fairly.
  • And as always, don't be a jerk.  I don't want to have to kick anybody out.
  • Does this jam have anything to do with space? Absolutely not. I just like the name and went with it.
  • Do I have to follow the theme? If you don't the N64 gods will probably curse you and any future born children with a terrible art curse forever. 

If there is enough interested, we will do another kick off event on my discord at 7PM EST on November 25th to find teams

As usual, feel free to join the discord server StoreBoughtRocketGames. I will make announcements in both places. 

Mortician of Faith will stream any games entered into the game jam on his twitch channel.


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (7)
macOS (5)
Linux (3)
Android (1)

No submissions match your filter

Welcome to S.E.R.C. Comms Tower 7 - Please listen and report any unknown frequencies during the night!
Interactive Fiction
Procedurally generated speedrunning platformer inspired by Super Mario 64.
N64 style with green fields and cowgirls.
Disable the reactor of a derelict ship before it threatens the deep sea colonies!
Collect decorations and decorate everyone's trees for the winter festival!
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Platformer where you take customers to their destination while Bunny hopping to gain speed
Created for the Winter N64 Style Graphics Jam -
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Lost in a strange world trying to find your way out
A open world fantasy blizzard survival game
Collect cheese in a big rolling bag! Don't get caught!
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