Welcome to the winter jam of 2021, we hope you have a wonderful winter and a Merry Christmas
About this jam
This jam is a game jam. A big game jam. Much wow, very poggers. I decided to host this because I wanted to do something with the community. You know, socialising. Why should you enter? Well first you can win lots of money from our prize pool. And if you win, you can put it on your resume, for work or college or something. You know, it’s a big achievement.
Prize pool
1st place 30%
2nd place 20%
3rd place 10%
Honourable mentions 2% (x5)
Host 15%
Host’s choice (my personal favourite) 10%
Rest 5% is split equally among all participants
All payouts will be on itch.io (make sure you have a public project that I can donate to), within two business weeks after the end of the event.
Blood and gore is allowed, but nothing extreme or realistically explicit.
NSFW (sexually explicit) content is allowed, but it won’t be eligible for prizes.
By participating you give the host consent to use only your submitted content for commercial redistribution. ALL proceeds will go to the prize pool for the next jam.
There are no required themes! In case you would like a reference point, please consider these!
First person shooter
3D projects are encouraged, but remember that story, concept and gameplay come before everything else! :P