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nighthero32 published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Made for Wonderjam 2019 by nobody
CthulhuRlyeh published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Styles Utilisés: -Arcade -Puzzle Leeji and his brother must solve puzzles while staying in the shadows
Cawotte published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Par l'Equipe 142. Made in 48h with Unity for the Wonderjam, we were 5 people working on it. Rules : Defend the station from invaders, move your ships to strategical positions to fight them back, and upgrades the ships between each waves! Co...
Balstik published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
WonderJAM Automne 2019 Team Null Reference Thème : Catastrophe climatique en 2119 - Style Arcade/Gestion En 2019, le monde commence à courir à sa perte alors que de nombreuses catastrophes apparaissent tout autour du globe. Votre mission...
petitc00kie published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
2119, le changement climatique a profondément bouleversé le monde entier. De violentes marées radiocatives rendent quasiment impossible la vie à la surface. Vous incarnez des personnages quasiment pris au pièges juste avant une marée...
Totema Studio published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This game was made by Totema Studio and friends with a team of 6 in only 48 hours. We made this game during the WonderJam 2019 at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi . At Totema Studio , we specialize in local multiplayer games. Here com...
Ornithogwak published a Gamejam 5 years ago
A downloadable Gamejam for Windows.
(A noter que du a un bug de dernière minute le niveau doit être fait 2x afin de finir le jeu) L'apocalypse se déchaîne et la nature tente de vous anéantir par une succession de catastrophes naturelles. Votre but est donc de vous mettre...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
Tetr'ISEN published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
In a devastated world, plagued by natural disaster, a camp of refugees tries to survive in this harsh environment. With you being the only hope for them, show what you can do ! -Talk with creative PNJ with more than 50 dialogues lines ! -Ma...
Pain a l'ail published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Vous êtes un andoide ayant pour but de protéger les dernières cellules humaines sur Terre, l'humanité ayant été détruite suite à leur insouciance vers les changements climatiques. Le sort de l'humanité est entre vos mains. Le jeu s...
jhonnyCigar published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
The story, simply put: "This is the last water! — Let's destroy nihilists." Trivia: 12 km stands for "twelve kilometers". A post-apocalyptic world would obviously use metric measurements to indicate distances between settlements. Controls...
Dragoniko55 published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Race to the top of the building to escape the flood. Play alone or with a friend and make your way up a procedurally generated building. The first one to reach the top, or the last one to drown, wins. This game was created for the automn...