This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-12-16 15:00:00 to 2023-12-29 15:00:00. View results

Workshop Jam 2023


1. Any engine or programming language may be used, popular ones include but not limited to, Unity, Unreal, GameMaker Studio 2, GoDot, HTML5, Javascript, Python.

2. You may use any assets either owned by you, or which you have the required rights to use.

3. You may work solo or part of a team.

4. No NSFW content allowed during this GameJam.

Submissions and Voting

Submissions will open 16th December 2023 @r 3pm GMT

Submissions will close 29th December 2023 @ 3pm GMT

Voting* will open 29th December 2023 @ 3pm GMT

Voting* will close 5th January 2024 @ 3pm GMT

(*Voting will be open to Submitters and Contributors, so please ensure to list anyone contributing to allow them to vote after the submission period.)


Workshop is the generalised theme we will use for all of our GameJams moving forward, but each GameJam will have a Niche theme to it too which will be announced closer to the start date of the Jam.

You can interpret Workshop in whichever way you want, a few ideas are below.

Minecraft like crafting system where you have to set up a workbench to craft items.
A garage where you repair and service military vehicles.
A production factory where you make goods to sell for a profit.

Your game submission will be required to meet both themes for the GameJam.

Generalised Theme: Workshop
Niche Theme: Elves and Fairies