This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-02 16:00:00 to 2024-03-09 16:00:00. View 4 entries

World Jam Future 2024


🌎Games for the world! Messages to the world!🌏

Spreading your words to the world.

Please read the rules before you start.

🚩Rules (must read):

  • You may create games using any methods(no exceptions), including scratch or HTML.
  • Only people aged 10-22 are allowed to join this jam.
  • 2D,3D,4D are all accepted. 3D is advised for beginners.
  • No plagiarism is allowed.
  • No offensive contents, but mild satire can be accepted.
  • Please follow our theme to create your game.
  • No copyrighted materials should be used.
  • Please submit, the code you have to type is awesome, a complete game, with suitable beginning, process and ending (example: Win and Lose argument)
  • Your game must be created WITHIN the submission period, please be coorperative and do not make your game before the submission period.
  • Top 3 will be determined after the submission period.


Ay(pronounced as あいai but not あえae)


The world Ay have many meanings. In Chinese and Japanese, it means love. Commonly, it is known as a feeling of depression or sadness. While it could be a way to call people(rudely)!

Note: You must follow this theme to create your game.

⏱Time Limit:

1 week (7 days)

Note: Game Submission period is included.


A certificate will be given to the TOP 3 only.

🚙Jam Flow:

 Game Jam Period,Create!

 A winner, and the Top 3, will be determined

Announcing the winner



All submissions
Windows (2)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)
Android (1)

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