This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-02-25 19:00:00 to 2022-02-27 23:00:00. View results


In this Game Jam you have two days to create a game. After the submission deadline, your game will be rated by other participants and you can also rate other games.

  But what kind of game should you make?


The Theme is:

You have to take two game mechanics from two different games, which you should now combine in your game.

Example: Super Mario Walljump crossed with Overcooked's cooking mechanic.

Everything else is up to you.


1)You can use any game engine.

2)You must use your own graphics.

3) You can use your own sounds or the sounds of others

4) no nsfw content

5) You can work alone or in a team


1) the game has to make fun (Level design, Control)

2) graphics 

3)Sounds (Music, World, Player)


1) All Games will be shown on the Alterar Games Youtube Chanel

2)This jam is still in the test phase. That's why there are still some translation errors and no big graphics yet

