I was immediately drawn to the game from the artstyle, and it did not disappoint! The endings were cute, the story was cute, and I loved all the character designs. I especially liked how there was a good ending where Syrup did end up alone, because sometimes its okay to just want to thrive as a person without anybody else (but its not okay to be an asshole while doing it, which is a good message!) My one note is that when butterscotch revealed her "true self" it took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out the difference. I would've liked her to have more of a noticeable change in appearance. She could've had chubbier cheeks, larger arms, etc and that would've been an instant catch on. Instead, she looks the exact same except with a larger body. But I assume that since this was for a game jam, time was a difficult thing to spare. Other than that, I have no negative comments, everything about this game was adorable and I loved it <3