Very good game. Challenging and interesting puzzles and very nice overall atmosphere.
I really liked this game, but I had some issues with it...
For some reason, I'd usually find the thick grass really hard to parse and would assume that I couldn't move into those tiles. Most of the time that I spent wandering or stuck in a puzzle was because of that.
Also, some puzzle have some "extra"/"unneeded" tiles, which would also trip me up.
The rules for "what can be pushed into what" was also kinda confusing. Mainly, why is it that only boxes can only be pushed into a box that was dropped into a pit/water? I quickly learned that, but time and time again it would confuse me.
All in all, I really enjoy this, although I have a lot of nitpicks about this game... ^^"
Absolutely pristine puzzle design, really inspiring. Great job!