This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-01 00:00:00 to 2023-02-01 00:00:00. View 15 entries

About Z . I . Y

Welcome to the first edition of Z . I . Y.  I'm glad to have you all here and I look forward to seeing what you all create! 

Throughout January we shall be...(drum roll) celebrating zine and D . I . Y culture via the beautiful (and silly world) of zines. Your task is simple. Make a zine (or zines) about anything you'd like really. I hope to supply participants with resources to help them achieve this.

I made a community tab to hopefully encourage others to document their progress and talk about zines in general! Feel free to express your silly little selves there :D

Any questions may be answered @ the discord server :D

What is a zine + why would you make one?!

  A zine - derived from "magazine" - is a homemade publication usually distributed in small batches.

There are no set-in-stone rules for how to create them. They can be about anything you want and tend to be quite varied from one another. Overall, zines provide a voice for people to explore their ideas and musings by opening up a platform. You will find that out quite quickly if you browse for some!

That's the beauty of zines right there. Just following your intuition as you create something for yourself!  Make the thing you've always wanted to do! Go on! I know you can do it!!

This jam's goal is to act as a guide to (hopefully) help you make one of your own.

Some resources to get you started:


Hoping to update throughout the month :]


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Zine of 6 micro self-care games
A zine greeting card for a friend
Yes, this really happened
A personal zine about my NDS.
Run in browser
Short story about an artist in the end of the world.
One of 3 retrospective zines showcasing my art from 2003 - 2013 ish
collages of a broken news cycle
a *mini* rant about packaging labels
An illustrated story zine in linocuts and poems.
A short zine of pictures and musings on the ghost towns of West Virginia's New River Gorge.
The zine I made when I was out of ideas. Featuring Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Shin Chan.