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A jam submission

Je marche seule dans la villeView project page

chanson de ma défection
Submitted by axoona — 22 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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Je marche seule dans la ville's page

Is your submission a zine? (Question to weed out jam spam)
yes it's a perzine in French, to be honest I didn't make it with the jam in mind, I made it yesterday & discovered the jam now & it's not even in ranting tone at all but it talks about things that are & were & which shouldn't be. so I hope it has it's place here.

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Tes mots ont trouvé un certain écho en moi. J'étais aussi une adolescente "en crise" qui avait en fait une maladie mentale.

J'espère que tu trouveras un groupe de punk.


merci pour ton retour ! <3