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A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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The Elixir of Life quest is incomplete at the moment. Working to get it finished up for the next release.

I apologize for the late reply. The short answer is no, you cannot win that fight for plot purposes.

Hey man, thanks for he praise! Glad you're enjoying the game!

Yeah, RPGMaker has a lot of strengths and has been very kind to a novice game dev like me. But it has it's fair share of technical limitations. Scripting and coding are where I'm weakest, but I think I'm pushing the engine towards it's limits with some of those assets and it causes the game to chug and even freeze or crash at times.

Thanks man, glad you're enjoying it! Its a blast to make.!

Hey! So, it the moment, the Elixir of life quest cannot be completed. I'm working on finishing it up in the next release.

Buy some rum from the bar and talk to the bum near the prostitutes.

Hey Bambang1097. At this stage in development, the quest is not complete, and you cannot get the Sin of Man yet.


Got it! I'll look into the bug! Thanks for letting me know!

Hi TJP623! Sorry for the late reply. Holidays and all.  There is one achievement you can't currently get in game but it shows up on the board. Sorry for the confusion.

Hey Pterygus! Glad you liked the game! There isn't any way to free the girl in the Stree-uhk cave. It's mainly an easter egg of an easter egg from another game. 

As far as a walk through, there isn't an official one at the moment but I am working on one.

Hello hoesaria!

After speaking with the dairy farmer, go to the Town of Kordo in the Grasslands and speak with the hooded Grass Ape.

Go to the lake and from it's most northern edge, head due north to the range of mountains north of it.

When you reach those mountains, click on the mountain just above you or hit the use key, and you should enter the hideout. 

What's up, fans!  Grolokk Ver0.61 is now available for free download! 

Version 0.61 Change Log

  • Fixed a few minor grammar and spelling errors 
  • Removed the option to start from the second chapter as it was buggy and game breaking, included save game files instead
  • Fixed minor bug where player could acquire multiple copies of Third Key of Kahar

Version 0.6 Change Log

  • Added 9 new Ero-Scenes and 35 new images
  • Added new character artwork to the auction scene.
  • Added Breyo character art
  • Added Goblin Hunter Art
  • Ruins of Kahar Side Quest is now complete
  • Updated maps with completed sprite sets
  • Added new Dialogue art for multiple characters
  • Added new sprites for Kara and Rhenise’s Harem Encounter
  • Removed placeholder text and replaced with scripted dialogue
  • Updated Aya’s “Charm” attack effects.
  • Added a new enemy type with particular strengths and weaknesses. Plus one new Ero Attack.
  • Added 2 new unique attack graphics
  • New State Animation Added
  • Various Small Grammar, Gameplay, and Environmental Fixes and Adjustments


-The Harem System is still very much a work in progress. All content available should be obtainable ingame. There are duplicate images currently used in some places. Just be aware that this system is still very much in development.

-For Mac OS and Android users, there won’t be a supported release for those platforms yet, but I will look into those. I might be looking for testers for such releases in the near future.

-There are no new animated assets at this time but I am still planning on pursuing more of those features in future releases. Animation is a lot of work, especially for a one man team.

-I still don’t have a good pipeline for updating saved games, and cannot guarantee that old saved games will work with Grolokk ver0.61.

-Pregnancy when? It’s a line item. I would like to finish the gameplay elements I’ve already started to incorporate, before adding whole new ones. Maybe some pregnancy related miniquests in the future, but nothing is on the docket in the short term.

-Can I save the Redhead at the beginning? No, but just keep playing the game, trust me.

-Version 0.61? No more “Chapter” titles? No. I fully admit I didn’t have a good plan when setting out on how to name progressive iterations. As of November, 2021, “Grolokk ver0.61”, or “Grolokk: An Adult Adventure RPG ver0.61” are the latest released versions of the game.

-Whats after this? Fleshing out the Harem system more, pushing the main quest storyline, and adding more content.

No! I just suck at marketing!

Hey, thanks for bringing this to my attention! Thought I had it uploaded but it looks like something went wrong. Reuploading now!

Chapter 1 is included in the game, taking place between the start, up to the battle at the fort. The labeling system is a bit wonky and not super well thought out, which is my fault.