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Mythic Monster

A member registered Mar 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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This project is on hiatus, but I'd definitely put in those options in updates.

I have significantly improved in my modeling and coding skills while making a better work portfolio. If I come back to this project, I'd probably restart and rip code and base models from those projects. It would definitely be insanely improved. If I get there, I'll make that version $9.99, and anyone who previously paid would get that version as part of their purchase here. 

Because development is on hiatus for the foreseeable future, I made this free.

I appreciate the praise for the potential and I do plan on working on this game again. I am not sure how long it will take to get my finances to a place where I'm comfortable committing the required amount of time to make significant updates again. The final scope might not be as big as initially intended, but there should be quite a bit more. I'm looking for a new job that pays significantly more, that way I have more time freed up. I never thought of my game dev work as very good, so having positive comments like this brings a smile to my face. All the best.

My post regularity was going to be reduced significantly, and I don't want people paying monthly if the output is extraordinarily slow. Had a lot of life expenses and needed to work more to make up for it.

What do you mean?

Hmm, I can take a look from my end

(1 edit)

Sorry for the late response, things have been pretty chaotic, the downloads should be being saved as pngs in fap_images. You should be able to add them manually there if you are encountering issues. Check if the images are downloading properly, and if the folder is adding them and it's not loading or if they are downloading incorrectly. Also at one point there was an image that failed to load in, and broke it for me. I couldn't replicate the issue on other images, but you could also try other images to see if one isn't loading for a reason. Or move the photos out of the folder to see if one is causing issues for some reason.


Try manually adding to folder, try removing what's in there now, try adding from a different source.

Thanks for the suggestions. Some of them I definitely have noticed but wanted to get something playable out, but also I for sure missed a few and do appreciate having someone to help find the bugs and with general feedback! While it's a new game, I was hoping to get an update out every 2 weeks. Unfortunately I needed to get a different job that's a bit more demanding and will probably have to change to ever month/ other month (or make smaller updates because the updates have been pretty big size for how often.) I pretty much only have one day a week to work on this and relax combined at the moment. That said, I'll see what I can fix for the next update that should hopefully be early next month. (Which slightly expands the playable area, and adds some fun stuff) but I plan on fixing a few things each update, I want to fix the night lights and sky the most but have been playing with smaller other bugs since nighttime is pretty bland right now. By release, I was hoping to have a couple quests (or achievements) based on taking photos of a few things. Not sure how much SFW stuff vs NSFW stuff I want to do yet, but have been leaning more nsfw for the time being since I figured it was probably the bigger selling point of the game. Models take a long time to create too and I'm out of budget for buying any additional ones, so adding sfw stuff does slow down the rest.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, I think most of those things I should be able to add/ address!

Yes, it should be in AppData\LocalLow under DefaultCompany\CustomFapHero\fap_images. You can add them there directly. Some images don't load properly if not added through the game. If this is your preferred method or you have a folder of photos you would like to add, a majority of them should work fine, so this should be a totally fine method.

That should be what you need to do, I have not encountered that issue before though. I can look into it and see if I can replicate the issue. Have any ideas of anything you did that might be causing it so that I can take a better look?

Howdy, thanks for both the praise and the suggestions. A few others have suggested that I update the movement, so I'll make it a bit more responsive in a patch. Very likely the coin check is doing what you said, easy to miss. I'll make sure to fix that as well. I've also heard that slowing down the game a bit at the start should be done, so I'll do that too. I thought about adding an indicator for the photos beforehand, and might still do that if it's too hard to grab them, although doing so for the coins might be too much. I've been working on a much bigger game, but seeing that a few people have said similar things and they should all be quick, I'll start on a patch now and put it up tomorrow. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

Thanks for the suggestions! I can make a small patch soon. I'll look at making the movement a bit better, slowing the starting speed, and I'll look into why upgrades might not be working properly.

Thanks for the suggestion, I can make a small patch to make the movement a bit better soon.

(1 edit)

That is pretty much exactly what it is but without ads. And if you want to support me, you can also get a small gallery of images. The games I have made so far have been small projects to learn Unity, as I have previously used other game engines. I'd love feedback, but please remember this is a small project. I have started a MUCH bigger game, with a demo coming out in about a month.

make sure they are enabled in the settings. You can enable/disable downloaded images vs lookup url images, so make sure that whichever you setup is turned on.

I'll have a Mac to investigate soon. Meantime I'll remove the Mac build so nobody else has similar troubles. Thank you for letting me know, sorry about that!

Hey AccordingLeaf. I personally don't have a Mac to test on in front of me, but I might have made a mistake when building for that OS. I have rebuilt and uploaded a new copy of the Mac build if you want to try downloading again. Very sorry for the inconvenience, and hope this will work better for you. If you end up not being able to play, I can reach out to support and get you a refund, or we can work together to get you a working copy of the game! Thanks for reaching out!

When you open the game, go to the Customize page. On that page you can add urls with the images you want and either download them or add them to the list with the buttons to the right of the input bar. The URLs can be obtained by going to your preferred image viewing website, right clicking the image, and then copy image url. Paste that into the input bar and click the add button, or hit the enter key. It should show your new image in the gallery above. You can cycle through viewing the downloaded images and the url images with the button on the top of the page.