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A member registered Dec 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks :)

Well... not really! The way the enemies get stronger is based on how many days it has passed lol

Known bug: You can't progress after the first shop. We're working on fixing it ASAP!

lol This is awesome! We sure need to make the game even harder. And thank you for the report on that one bug :)

Characters animation has been restrained when your fps is consistently dropping as a measure against lag... it shouldn't happen often though.

About new kings, they're being added soon to the demo version of the full game, which will be available on steam. Be sure to wishlist the game to be notified when the demo come out :)

Pode ter sido um bug! Vamos investigar

Yeah, the demon might be a little op then... Thanks for the feedback!

Try out the new update, we should have almost fixed the performance issues :)

Kkkkkkk mais quebrado que isso só biblioteca + raio no warlock, que dá dano em área hehe

Fixed! :D

I did, but I agree it is hard. The way to go is using the king of blood's cards as support and the enemy king as your main, which proves that the king of blood is indeed underpowered.

I do agree... after seeing a lot of comments on this issue, king of blood does feel a little underwelming. We're doing a rebalancing to make the demon become viable on wave 15ish with the right build. Also, the exploder unit is getting stronger. 

At this moment, I guess the mangler + towers build is the best option for the king of blood, but it's not really obvious or easy to hit it.

Thanks for the feedback, though!

Is this happening on late waves, like 50 upwards?

Looking at how the enemy troops are playing the idle animation without any lag, I'd say this is actually a bug! Probably some unit could not find the path to it's position. It's a very rare bug, but we've seen it happen in the past :(

That's good to know!

This king has a slow start but gets stronger the longer you play. You need something to carry it to turn ~15. I'd suggest you start the game focusing on graveyards and exploders, and also other king's units

Thanks for the feedback! We know king of spells is op as an enemy atm, and well be fixing this over the next week by capping the amount of shamans it can have on it's army

This is a known issue happening to a few people! Are you running the game in web version or did you download it? What system are you playing on (Windows 10, Android, etc...)?

The japanese and chinese translations have not been implemented yet, sorry about that :( We only support english and portuguese at this moment

I guess you're the one person that got to the highest wave! Your PC must be insane lol But yeah, the game is not supposed to get to year 92... Next update we're looking into making the endless mode harder and harder, to a point where it should be almost impossible to cross the wave 50 mark.

That's bug we haven't heard of... if you want to unlock everything, click on the bottom left of the screen and type: devcode  :)

A couple months from now we'll be releasing the 9 Kings demo on steam, which will feature 1 more playable king. Be sure to wishlist the game to get a notification!

For the full release, we're probably talking about 1 ~ 1.5 years from now

Thanks :)

Currently archers and exploders are pretty broken!

You can't save in the middle of a run yet... this will probably be a feature only for the full release :(

It's not the particles that are causing the lag, it's the physics! We're already working on something that will make the game run muuuuch smoother. We'll be posting a new version today :)

We don't actually have one, but you're more than welcome to reach us through itchio or the steam forums :)

Squire, Prince and King are the difficulties names! Do you mean you can't play the difficulty, or you can't play a specific character?

The king of spells are somewhat too strong at this point due to the shamans. We're working to fix this over the next few patches :)

Tem que fazer um upgrade ai pra RTX 5060 kkkk

Demons can't be buffed by structures, as they're summoned at the beginning of the round.

All buffs happen orthogonally only :)

It spawns automatically at the beginning of the round. Before they gather the buffs, they start off really weak, so it's common they die very early into the rounds.

It's not that hard haha

This is a real issue... We're studying limiting the number of troops after you enter the endless mode, maybe that's the only way

Eu acho que você é oficialmente quem chegou mais longe (melhor PC) kkkkkk

Every time one of you units die, it gets +3% into every stat (HP, attack, atk speed and move speed) 

Ele não é tão forte quanto poderia ser mesmo... Vou dar uma bufada pro próximo patch!


As chaves estão finalizadas! Como falei no vídeo, era só para os 5 primeiros a fechar. Agora quem jogar é só por diversão :)


(1 edit)


As chaves estão finalizadas! Como falei no vídeo, era só para os 5 primeiros a fechar. Agora quem jogar é só por diversão :)


Pra isso que serve o poço hehe