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Project Updates & The Deadly C-Virus

Hi all-

Wanted to share a small update post regarding a few things I felt were noteworthy for the coming months. Nothing crazy, but I do want to get a little more in the habit of putting out blog thoughts, so here's some stuff.

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Recently got back from a con in Columbus last weekend and unfortunately managed to pick up the dreaded C. I've been completely out of commission for over a week now and have pretty much no strength or energy to do anything productive. Feeling better today, so my hope is it will be mostly out of my system by Saturday/Sunday.

In game dev news, between Thanksgiving, the convention, Covid, and Christmas, everything's been obviously real quiet. This isn't to say I won't be back at it after New Years though :)

NormalHumanSixx (my programmer) and I have decided that it would be best to postpone Covert Critter's appearance at Steam Nextfest until the June event. This way we'll have much more room to get a highly-polished demo out, and I can wrap up the post-release content for Interior Worlds appearance at February's Nextfest.

It's still too early to say, but at some point next year I plan on starting up something new related to Hypnagogia. Not sure if it'll be another expansion, some kind of spinoff, or the whole-ass next game. We'll see!

Thanks for your continued support,


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Hope you get better soon!


Hope everything goes well!

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