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BONE DRY - A new game in development!

A shipwreck on a cursed island and centuries to think about it. Until one day...

The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis was my third step towards my gamer career, and I'll always treasure it along with the C64 as one of my favorites ever. I loved in particular its platformers, so colorful and balanced. Coming from the C64, games like the Monster World saga, Quackshot and Ristar seemed like miracles. At the time, there was nothing like this on the little Commodore and it took until the modern era to have some games that could rival the console classics.

So, when I was thinking about what to do after Lester, it came naturally to me to combine my two greatest gaming passion and write my own game inspired by 16-bit era platformers  (but with some contemporary indie twists).

Here's the first sneak peek of BONE DRY, a new sidescrolling action/adventure with RPG elements in development for the Commodore 64. Inspired by great Sega Genesis classics like Monster World III & IV, it will try to recapture the essence of early 90s era 16-bit colorful platformers on a humble 1982 microcomputer.

Coming when it's ready, definitely not soon. It will take a fair amount of time to translate into bytes what's currently on paper.

Updates about this game will come in the classical knifegrinder's way (10 in a week on my facebook page, silence for months and repeat) but stay tuned because another BIG announcement is coming soon... 

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Very nice! So glad you are doing another game. Will be fun to watch it unfold and thank you for continuing to support the C64!

can't believe how good it looks. is it using ecm graphics mode?

In part, yes...