Type: topdown 2D spaceship game.
Concept: As the only ship not swept up in battle, you're job is to find the remains of the war ship Calisto. The issue is you';re in a basic mining rig. Blow apart asteroids while managing your power and health then sell the minerals you pick up back at station to upgrade your rig. Explore a huge universe of hazards that get harder and harder the farther out you go. The universe is heavily randomly generated every new playthrough as well.
Asteroids drop resources when you shoot them but will hurt you if they slam into your ship. The furhter out you go, the more damage asteroids will do and the more valuable resources they'll drop. To truely get the good stuff though, you have to go to the most dangerous areas and sometimes places no one has ever been before.
Deal with ion storms, ion nebulas, micro black holes and even pirates. Ion storms will do damage to you when your power usage is too high. Ion nebulas are huge areas of ion storms along with ion tendrils that will shock the hell out of your ship if you touch them so coast along with care. Micro black holes have asteroids spinning around them at high speeds and the danger doesn't stop there. There are sometimes super charge asteroids that will explode violently when hit, so watch your fire. These are great places to mine rare resources but htey come with a high risk. Of course you can just venture far away from your station for rare minerals as well but make sure you save power for your trip back.
Upgrade your current ship and eventually buy better ones. Stick to small crafts or go big in larger ships. Larger ships are slower and harder to maneuver but allow a lot more systems on board if you feel like making some deep trecks into the unknown.
Managing your energy is tricky. Moving and firing your weapons, all take power. Your radar will be key to finding hidden/far away objects but that also takes power. It's range, sensitivity and how often it pings, all determine how much power it takes. However, managing your power won't be a thing you really need to worry about until much later in the game where you start going to distant and/or dangerous places.
On top of energy, you also have Energy Emissions (ER). The more systems you ahve active, the larger your ER is. Some systems ahve a huge ER while others might have none. ER is detectable with radar so even if enemies are too far away to visibly see you, they may come cehck on a large ER that pops up. This can be used to your advantage. While stealth emmitters will protect you from being spotted, they don't protect you from ER scans.
While your primary weapon is to fire from the front of your ship, more advanced ships have turrets that can wield a variety of weapons as well as mining equipment.
Enemies range from basic, randomly roaming fighters, to large warships. All enemies have a detection radius so don't worry about them swarming you from across the galaxy.
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