Ey!Been a minute. Basically I have been super busy trying to get a comic printed (more on that in the future) and I haven't had time to think about anything else this year so far. But! The comic is now done and ready for print, which means I can start doing other things again, starting with cleaning up some visual novel things! Basically I am not really happy with how my second game launched. I was in a bad headspace, the new name seemed like a good idea at the time but ended up being a bit forgettable (legit I keep forgetting what I renamed it to oof) and then I was lazy and just reskinned one of my game images for the game's icon. While all these things aren't horrible, I know I'm better than that. Plus, I worked really hard on the second game and was very proud of how it turned out, so its kind of sad to see how lackluster its launch was. Fixing stuff probably won't make a bunch of people suddenly play it or anything, but it will make me feel better. Free game or not, I put a lot of work into it and it deserves better! So if you see the game suddenly have a new name or new look, thats just me messing around. I'm still new to this, so it'll take some time to find my footing. Thank you for understanding!
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Blegh, sorry this is a pain to read. No idea why it looks so jank. Sorry yall!