Blegh, sorry this is a pain to read. No idea why it looks so jank. Sorry yall!
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Thank you for your kind words!! And lol the timing for this update was terrible, so I don't blame you for not seeing it. I'll have to post about that soon. Regardless! Thank you so very much for playing it! I worked very hard on it and I hope you will continue to enjoy this little passion project of mine! :)
Ah wait, I just read the line "You are allowed to submit entries created for other jams as long as it is created within the jam's time period and abides by all prior rules." I made my first game back in febuary, I assume it isn't eligible then? If not thats ok, it appears that my game will be done well before the new deadline!
Hello! Quick question: I wanted to have the sequel to my first game done in time for the jam, but thanks to a number of outside circumstances beyond my control, my game likely won't be done in time. Can I submit my first completed game instead? And if (by some miracle) I get the next game done in time, can I submit both? Or its it only one per jam?