Game mod Major Update Devlogs
Hello! I've been slowly but surely working on more items (and some slight balance changes) and I feel like I've got enough to bundle them into the mod - enjoy a...
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Meaningful Stories for The Sims 4 is now available for everyone to download! v1.0.0.0 changelog: Lingering moodlets for the 'asleep' mood no longer appear when...
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Changelog: !Combined_Arms now features two versions, one with custom monsters and one with just the weapons! !Added the Blastmaster set, wield a multipurpose mo...
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So, after a couple months, far longer than we wanted to take with this patch, 4.1 is here. The focus of this patch is to fix a lot of the issues we had with lau...
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For the most part, this update makes things feel a lot better and fixes many game breaking issues. Internally, just about everything was rewritten, so there are...
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Here it is, folks. The final version of ModOhFun! (aside from bug fixes and tweaks) is here. ModOhFun! v3.0: - ADDED: Even MORE weapons and uber cube spawns. Th...
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Woo! 1.9 is finally here, bringing a bunch of fun modding support! Expect more frequent updates for a bit, but in the meantime... More Fluff finally hit the...
BYOC v1.5... for Gzdoom?! A new version with Gzdoom support has been made, so you can play BYOC using fancier mods like Corruption Cards as well as MBF-21 & Gzd...
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So! Finally! Only 20 days after my previous deadline, here it is - one finished bundle of items. Dicey Dungeons v1.5 is upon us, and with it I bring a myriad of...
After All this time, The BYOC Crew Presents: BYOC Zandronum v2.0!!! Major Update Time!!! 11 New Classes!!! --------------------General changes------------------...
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So, here it is - a library of 98 "new", "inventive" items for your Dicey Dungeons experience. There's a huge list of items - from the ordinary Swordstave (deal...
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Right, this has been a long time coming, but FINALLY, this mod's updated to be 0.17-compatible! This mod's finally pipped the base game in just... how many item...
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Hello! I figured it was about overdue to push a cleanup patch - one that addresses a few bugs, cleans up some stuff, and issues some long-needed balance changes...
(Not an unused enemy or something just uploaded it here because i haven’t drawn something lately) It took time but i have finally updated and added something...
This is our first VTol Jet aircraft that we have successfully created to be able to fly in normal mode but even better do a Vertical take off. I tried a few dif...
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Sorry about the wait, it had been out on Steam for a while now... but the DLC is available for purchase on now too! During this month (and probably unti...
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BYOC v1.5 is a big update! Featuring a new Character Select Menu, 5 new classes, Class reworks and rebalancing, Cosmetics, Hit/kill sounds, Targeted teleporting...
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It's true, it's here! Play as Melody Crosswell in our new mode BOUNTY HUNTERS and our exclusive map, BATTLE ZONE ! We're extremely excited to know what you guys...
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Added an Options menu Added Control Settings menu Added Gamebanana/ mod page redirectors Added easter egg that spoil features that possibly will come in...
You can now make your own variation of my music pack with this guide , or you can just remix this for fun! Just make sure to properly credit me!...
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**Update v1487** This is a full rework of the multiplayer mod! You can see the current bug list in the discord. If you find any bugs that are not on that list...
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A new update for Novetus has been released. 1.1 - Fixed a bug where NovetusCMD would report the wrong process ID with the "-outputinfo" command line option. - A...
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IMPORTANT NOTE Auto updating will not work, please run this command in chat if you have played an older version and then download the update manually: /gml file...
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+ New music for Lair, Warp Zone, and NT:TE’s bosses. + New unlockable skins for Robot, Eyes, & Y.V. + New sounds for NT:TE’s characters & the Big Shots (by...
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Inactive? Hi! The update date on this mod doesn't change very often; You may think the mod is abandoned or inactive, but worry not! We're still working on the m...
It's here, the F117 Night Hawk Stealth Bomber We are proud to bring you this icon of the skies to add to your squadron. Key features include: Internals Working...
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This release sees the binder of worlds dungeon revamp, adding an instanced dungeon version of the encounter and revamping several mechanics, also fixing a numbe...
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updated the resource pack to I clue the custom item models for the frost palace...
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### 16 March 2021 Update (Included in the download zip) Thanks to DrPepper7 for helping update the configs eliminating the bug (some might call it a feature) wh...
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I've wanted to have animation for the aircraft released to date and have been working over many nights with kingdmac to make it happen as part of the EggMan28 S...
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It's been at least a year since I've actually been working on the game. I've only got done with a few things.. But that's not enough! I've come here to say that...
Updated to the new combat system, plus The Cave is now a free sanctum!...
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Resource pack no longer serves the model data as FMM and MEG generate it differently, and the package is now made such that merging resource packs is much easie...
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GENERAL + New enemies: Crystal Bats + Golden Anglers + New unlockable skins for Fish and Plant + Gave Hyper Crystal a Pit Arena + Gave Seal King a n...
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GENERAL + New area, it's red + New crowns: BONUS + RED + New mutations: COMPASSION + SILVER TONGUE + Brand new level-modifying events + Unlockabl...
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Hi everyone, I'm proud to announce that 1.3 is released . In addition, I have opened up the Discord server to invites. I have created a infinite invite, but nor...
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Coming out of early access on my Patreon (, The Mines dungeon continues the storymode dungeons, now free!...
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V1.3 Kustam: !Added the stalwart champion of the Lotharian arena: Kustam Doomslayer: +Wrathcaster spirits no longer bump into friendlies, ending their flight ea...
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Hi everyone! Today's the day! After 4 months in development, hopefully it'll be worth the wait . Before that, however, i'm going to talk about a few more featu...
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Improving the consistency and stability of the mod, and adding new small features. Change log: + Added Latin-1 Supplement characters to all of the fonts. + Adde...
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Coward - Conflicts with Hot-headed, Adventurous, and Calm Less likely to get Angry, more likely to get Scared Sims get Scared moodlets with strength between 1 a...
This update completely rebalances these dungeons, and adds the story mode elements we've been working on!...
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GENERAL + New character (visit the Crown Vault) + New pet for I.D.P.D. H.Q. + New COOL skin for Frog + New weapon: Ultra Quasar Rifle + New loop weapon for Rogu...
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Hello everyone! Coming in today with a big update to the mod with version 1.01! First and foremost, I've added the mod's seventh map: Barcelona ! This is anoth...
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Welcome! As you can see, I've uploaded the mod to The word "Launch" in the title is in quotation marks because it isn't really a launch. This mod was a...
The day has finally arrived - Megaquest for Dicey Dungeons received an update! The mod was remade from scratch - tons of new things were added, many ideas were...
Added The Knight's Castle and The Steamworks lairs!...
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10 optional downloads to spice up your EliteMobs experience!
At long last, the ERAS II version, previously available to only to "Loyal" members of , is now open to everyone. Sail your ship in t...
All of the classes are done! All text is in and I went through on a quick edit. I have sent out to editors as well just for a read through but I wanted to happi...
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