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Complete beginner looking for a team

A topic by mm303 created Mar 04, 2024 Views: 479 Replies: 19
Viewing posts 1 to 8

Hi, I'm very new to game dev, I work with game maker studio, this would be my first real project as so far I've only done small unfinished projects, I very little experience so I would like to work with a team


Im pretty new too, so im looking for a team as well , we can work together if  you want


That would be amazing can i have your discord 



should be it if not let me know


I' ve sent you a friend request


Hello! I'm also relatively new here and wanted to look for a team. Would love to hop on if you guys are down.


It's fine by me


Awesome! I'll plug my discord below so feel free to add me anytime. 


(1 edit) (+1)

Need a writer? I’m a newbie as well and would love to join 


Heya! I've already posted here looking for a team. Lets work together! Hope the others are also okay with it though. 

You can add me on discord - infires.


ok added you! I’m StarkTheWolf


Hey! I'm new to game dev too, but if you need a composer or designer, i would love to join!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! I have spoken to most of the people in this thread already but yeah I would be happy to have you join.

You can add me on discord - infires


Sent a friend request!

Hi, can I join your Team pls


Hi, i may interest you? Im an illustrator and storyteller that bases Is style on Medieval Marginalia Drollerie.

Hi! You can add me on discord and we could talk.

My discord: infires

Ive send the request, my name Is ArcusMerseneri 

Hey I'd love to help out as a designer! this is my first jam though and I want to work with a team!

A little about me: Hey this is vixen. I'm a small streamer + youtuber and this will be my first game jam, I would love to help design the game, with narration, storytelling , ambience and mood, helping with ideas with mechanics and any other design aspects of the game. I am also an amateur pixel artists as well and ive coded websites with javasript before. It would be great to have an artist with us for the graphics OR IF its very simplistic graphics i can do it as i have a general understanding of pixel art + aseprite!


Hello there, I am also new to unity and c# and would be happy to have a Team