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Sound Designer looking for team (First Game Jam)

A topic by KingZedd created 69 days ago Views: 121 Replies: 1
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Submitted (2 edits)

Hi! Like the title says this is my first Game Jam and I'm excited to work with a team to make something fun! I studied Live/Post Production Audio and am currently trying to transition to game audio and was suggested to do a Game Jam. I did this gameplay redesign to give an idea of what I can do and until the jam starts I am working on another one to practice, I hope everyone has a fun Game Jam!

Hello, I’m a coder/artist and I’m interested in your offer! My Discord is  googly_boy, we can talk more there. 

Info: CST, Kind of new in the sense I haven’t really published anything, Currently have an offer pending for a compose

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