Difficulty? Too easy too hard? What would you recommend?
I think that the difficulty of the game is good. It was a little hard without the close range attack, but once that is added in I think the difficulty will be good.
Fun & Replayability?
I enjoyed the game, and in particular I liked trying to decide how to approach the enemies in a way that would create 1 on 1 encounters. I think that most of the replayability would come from playing the game until you get to the ending, and I think that is good.
Is the goal of the game intuitive? What would you recommend adding, removing, or changing?
I think that goal is pretty intuitive and I like how it easy to spot where the documents are due to their animation. I would recommend some kind of indicator when damage is taken besides the health bar just to make it a little more clear when a player or enemy takes damage. This could be something like the player or enemy flashing red when they get hit.
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