The impression I’m getting with this “game jam” is that your programmer left your team, and you want to audition someone else to replace them, to turn your pre-existing work and IP on a failing team into something you can still sell. You don’t even seem to care what people make, as long as it uses some of your artwork and ideas. But then, why isn’t there a salary aspect to this, only revshare? Why are you pretending that this game jam and the “rewards” aren’t just crowdsourced damage control for your team?
It feels like you’re using this game jam for some kind of roundabout job applications, and that’s actually pretty underhanded. I’d expect the quality of people willing to work with you after the jam to be much lower than if you were honest about what you want and what’s going on here. The art looks good, but dropping a new designer/programmer/team into your project with no knowledge of what you were planning or what the assets were for (and then expecting them to understand everything and solve all your design issues in two weeks!), it’s just rubbing me the wrong way. It speaks to laziness and indifference, and a lack of faith in your ideas. Just trying to make money on what is left over, from a project that didn’t make it.
You might as well just sell an asset pack if this is how you feel. The revshare thing for the winner is just zany. Paying 10% (only on a successful release!) to the people who made your game work is undervaluing their game design IP so much that I’d be worried you’d just steal my ideas if I said no. Any developer worth their salt could take their IP out of this jam and commission someone else to do the final art for much less. And they probably should, because having basic faith in your project and ideas is a necessary minimum for them to see the light of day.
I don’t mean to be overly harsh in what is probably a tough time for your team, but I do not think this game jam is going to go the way you want it to. This just isn’t what game jams are for.