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A topic by rafGl1tch created Jul 31, 2023 Views: 68
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(3 edits)

Hey Folks,

I'm Rafal, an avid gamer looking to step into the Game Dev world as a producer. I've got a pretty good grip on Project Management and Business Ops, and I've been studying game production like mad.

I've got some basic Unity & C# skills, enough to hold a conversation and understand the technical stuff. Now, I'm looking for a team where I can put all this theory into action. Some of my responsibilities would cover the following:

  • Setting up a Trello board: I'll establish a clear, easy-to-follow Trello board for tracking progress, tasks and goals.
  • Daily updates: I'll keep you in the loop with daily updates on our progress and any challenges we're facing.
  • Organizing the jam: I'll lay out a roadmap with well-defined goals and deadlines.
  • Resource management: I'll make sure all our resources are used wisely and efficiently.
  • Team vibes: I'll ensure open communication and a positive atmosphere.

I'm all about learning, commitment, and making a game we can all be proud of. If you're up for teaming up or just want to chat, give me a shout.

Let's make something awesome in this Game Jam!


Rafal (Discord: .gl1itch)