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A jam submission

One-Click NinjaView game page

A one button rhythm game for the 1-Button Jam 2021
Submitted by fluffysquirrels — 4 days, 44 minutes before the deadline
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I like the basic mechanic of discovering which attack wins and timing the input.

However, I found it difficult to use. After I use an attack, other attacks don’t register for about a rotation or so, with no visual indication that they’re disabled — but very occasionally, I can block and then cast a blue orb immediately afterwards. I’m not sure if this is intentional and I don’t understand the mechanic, or if inputs are getting dropped by accident, or what.


Hey, thanks for trying the game and for the feedback!

I think you may have fallen victim to an intentional feature. When I first made the game one of the testers discovered that you could just hit the space bar as fast as possible and block every attack and kill every enemy. I changed the game so that if you miss an attack then you couldn't attack until the next rotation, but didn't have time to add a visual indication for this feature. Does that make sense with the behaviour you were seeing?