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BoonToon rated a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
cbisaillon rated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.

A really funny game with good graphics

treque rated a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.

impeccable 2021 avant garde alt-f4-masher

JeyzerMC published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Play as a virus inside a small fish who wants to reach the surface. Only as a whale will he prevail! Get eaten by progressively bigger fish to surpass the water pressure and reach new heights, but watch out for squids, sharks and blue fishe...
Izkira published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Cathatos, the Grim Reaper's cat, got summoned to the human world. If he ever wants to see his master again, he must go through his nine cat lives...... Maybe there's a way to end this quickly. Controls are on the wall to the left! ---------...
StephiRob published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Le jeu compte l'histoire de James Allen, vous pourrez découvrir son passé en trouvant des objets significatif pour lui et ainsi modifier son environnement au fur et à mesure que son passé est révélé. Ce jeu a pour but d'exploiter le...
Meteox published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Aidez Zoé à s'évader de l'Enfer et à déjouer les plans de Chronos! Contrôles: WASD/Flèches: Déplacement Clic Gauche: Attaquer Clic Droit: Ramasser une arme Objectif: Remonter les Enfers en traversant divers portails et en vaincant l...
Guiboy424 published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
En garde! Le temple est attaqué, vous et votre épée êtes les seuls disponibles à la défense. Empêchez les troupes du roi bandit de tout détruire, mais n'oubliez pas de ne pas périr! Le but du jeu est de survivre le plus longtemps e...
BnanaPeelz published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Team Gabrielle Renaud - 3D & Level Art Pier-Luc Simard - 3D Pierre-Alexis Bouquin - Illustrations & UI & Sen Lai - Textures Yang Xiao - Animations & Rig Dave Desautels - Programming & Tech & Level Design Frédérik White - Sound Designer Co...
JonesAndBones published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Jones has braved many a dark and dangerous dungeon in search of fortune and treasure, and his adventures have led him to a cursed Egyptian tomb. Deadly traps and malicious forces will not deter him, as Jones has claimed he will adventure un...
LesPaulLord published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
Controles : WASD - Quitter le jeu : Escape Peter se réveille le matin et lit dans son journal qu'un événement astrologique hors du commun pourrait avoir des effets adverses sur la vie et la mort ! Pfff. Foutaises. Mais... Que voit-il ? S...
MikeSilva13 published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
To win you need to make the most amount of kills between you and your two opponents. Every kill gives you experience. This experience will be used to upgrade your ship once you die. All ships gain 10 xp per kill, which is enough to grand an...