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scarygenie updated a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated page content.
1 new upload: Play in browser
stay away updated a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
Updated page content.
1 new image
3 new uploads:
Player Ships 2.1 MB
Aye-o-the-Storm Board (update) 11.pdf 109 MB
Board Layout (Pieces) (flat).pdf 50 MB
lehall updated a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
6 new uploads:
Tarotno_forprint_elementbacks.pdf 1,007 kB
Tarotno_forprint_fatesback.pdf 1,006 kB
Tarotno_forprint_elements1.pdf 2.4 MB
Tarotno_forprint_elements2.pdf 2.9 MB
Tarotno_forprint_fates1.pdf 3.7 MB
Tarotno_forprint_fates2.pdf 7 MB
hqleitzke updated a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
Updated page content.
1 new upload:
explantion master deliverable.pdf 6.1 MB
perpetualraine published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
A Card-Based Tabletop RPG for 1-4 Players and 1 GM
cullen dwyer published a twitch app 8 years ago
A downloadable twitch app for Windows.
PigPen is a twitch app that creates a paradise for PigSquad cubepigs within your stream. Users can join, oink, squeal, fight, and more. Submission for Portland Indie Game Squad's "Summer Slow Jams 3".
drogulisk published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
In Hear Me Rawr: B-Side, you play as Cutezilla, an adorable monster trying to overcome hordes of mechanimals (and get a killer score while he's at it.) It would be your every day arcade runner, except for one thing: you control Cutezilla's...
lehall published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
By manipulating the four essential elements (Meat, Bone, Void, Fluid), players may divine a glimpse of their own fates.
stay away published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
It's B.C. times, and the sea is a salty trap of and wild serpents. Poseidon is angry as ever at the increasing biodiversity, and determined to take it out on Greek warriors. Your own chance at survival is praying to the right...
hqleitzke published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
A really cool board game for 2-3 players! Notes: This game is still in the prototyping stage and we welcome all feedback and suggestions. Find us on facebook to follow the continued development process!
scarygenie published a game 8 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
You have been banished to the DARK LIBRARY. Research the secrets of the arcane and otherworldly in order to banish the evil within and achieve your escape.
westert published a project 8 years ago
A downloadable project.
A Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality game created for Microsoft HoloLens using Unity and Vuforia. This is a 3 user game and requires 3 HoloLens devices and a seperate game state server. As well as printed cards that are used to trigger aug...
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