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Down in EarthView game page

room-scale VR game where you dig up robots graves to salvage their circuits and avoid the ol' guard robot
Submitted by burt1e
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Team Name
nurnoch entertainment

Gameplay Instructions
this is a room-scale virtual reality game - tested on HTC vive and oculus rift-S. controls may vary but should be easy to figure out :)
movement is limited to armswing unfortunately: HTC vive press the thumpad and swing your arms to move. rift-s: press A or B button and swing your arms to move
grab tools with the trigger of the controller

What platform is your game built for?


List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Voxel Plugin is an external Plugin
VRExpansion Plugin is an external Plugin
Two Sounds from Soundly
Cartoon Celshader is a Material Template

Link to Gameplay Footage

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Is really useful a gameplay footage... ;) Great!


yes sorry for not having a Video yet. I will poat video and Screenshots asap!


finally got the htc vive to work again after failed firmware update and made a short video


if you manage to find a circuit, put it in the pouch in front of your waist to score :)


if you are stuck in a hole, you have to pull yourself out of it using the grab mechanic (usually the trigger of the controller) on the ground, try to pull and push yourself out of the hole


err just noticed the spawning of the circuits is messed up, so you cannot gather any points :) sorry for that, actually there should be circuit boards in the coffins to salvage/score