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Paint The Darkness's pageTeam Name
Lone Wold Mode
Gameplay Instructions
___Controls - For keyboard and Xbox gamepad___
Mouse XY or Right Thumbstick - Look around
AWSD or Left Thumbstick - Move
Space or Right Trigger Axis - Jump
Q-E or Left Shoulder-Right Shoulder - Change Color
Mouse LMB or Left Trigger Axis - Shoot
___Everything is better explained in-game.___
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
___List of Pre-Jam Assets___
MUSIC 'Ibn Al-Noor by Kevin MacLeod'
Everything else is custom made. Enjoy!
Link to Gameplay Footage
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I has no idea how to play this game. The shooting mechanics seems some times to be working, and some it do not. And I do not know why I have to shoot.
The how is elegantly explained in-game on the first level which acts as the tutorial. You might think the weapon is not working because you aren't choosing the right color to shoot (it depends on the "ammo" you carry). Even though its FPS you need patience and observation to progress through the levels. By shooting you illuminate the world to find your way out.
I tried to illuminate the walls, but I could still not see where I was suppose to go. I believe I pretty fast ran out of ammunition.
I'm sorry to hear that. Since it's a jam game the difficulty can escalate very quickly due to limited time for creating more levels or general balancing. You can always restart and try again. In the end, it has a mix of the puzzle genre and it's supposed to be hard to figure out but at least hope a bit refreshing once you find the right way :)