I has no idea how to play this game. The shooting mechanics seems some times to be working, and some it do not. And I do not know why I have to shoot.
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Paint The Darkness's itch.io pageTeam Name
Lone Wold Mode
Gameplay Instructions
___Controls - For keyboard and Xbox gamepad___
Mouse XY or Right Thumbstick - Look around
AWSD or Left Thumbstick - Move
Space or Right Trigger Axis - Jump
Q-E or Left Shoulder-Right Shoulder - Change Color
Mouse LMB or Left Trigger Axis - Shoot
___Everything is better explained in-game.___
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
___List of Pre-Jam Assets___
MUSIC 'Ibn Al-Noor by Kevin MacLeod'
Everything else is custom made. Enjoy!
Link to Gameplay Footage
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