“Not until we are lost, do we begin to find ourselves;” - Henry David Thoreau Within Him The game follows the protagonist, through their journey of finding their path home after finding themself stuck in the forest. Through their journe...
Demo for a gravity defying platformer game made by Team PB&Jam for the 42KL Game Jam. The player will play as Kyle, a spelunker lost down in the depths of the earth.
This is a game about a duck who is so_lost. Try and navigate through the map to find the exit. Movement - WASD / Arrow Keys Firing small pellets - Mouse Click Switch gun - Q
You wake up on a space station on sickbay, paper scattered, blood around, you seem to forget what is your purpose here... Collect notes scattered throughout the map to progress the game. This game is made for the 42KL 55 hour Game Jam...