Aboard the CC Vaulterprise arrives the final order from the federation: To chill or to kill, such is the feel. As it stands, it's a barebones playtest for pseudo turn based roguelike. The screen starting full white is normal, as it is loadi...
You are a lone Vault, alone with kittens. Pet those kittens! Had some technical issues with the unity build! Made for the 5th Vaultacular Game Jam ! CyclopicSpider - Programing, Art, Music, Sound Effect editor Cholfy - Debugging, Programmin...
Just kick back and relax. Don't worry, you can't lose at this game, and it could never frustrate you. Perfectly align the spiritual and metaphysical with each pose you strike. 5th Vaultacular Game Jam submission. Use the left mouse button t...
"A Cozy Library" - Vaultacular Jam 2023 Theme: Keep it Cozy Optional: Pet an animal Premise: It is a stormy evening. Excellent weather for a good book and a fire, but alas this new book is a little off... You have to beat the book's magic t...
Just a chill Astroid shooter/cozy game where you can pet a wonderful kabbit and just vibe to the tunes. Shoot rocks. Collect resources. go back to base and keep warm. Give resources to Aliens. and do it all over again. Controls: UI - mouse...