Update: v1.1 now available in WebGL and Windows & Linux standalone "The Great One hungers. Use the light to lure unsuspecting ships into one of his many maws. Approach wrecked ships to devour them manually." Made during the 7 City Game JAM...
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
INFORMATION CONCERNING THE GASMASK Several test has concluded that the gasmask summons a ██████████, █████████ and ████████████. Test: GM-53 tested the ability to harm the ██...
How to play: 1. Launch game on your computer 2. On your mobile devices, browse to http://nfsol.herokuapp.com/ 3. Read the game pin in the top-left corner of the lobby screen. 4. Enter name and pin and enter. 5. Your ship should appear on th...
From the makers of Disaster Run comes a student game made during a game jam, where a little lizard wizard is forced to brave through the dark cavern and solve puzzles to get himself, and his little friend Kevin Orbo out. Refill your light p...