Mending dreams is a game about a young boy's dreams. Unfortunately broken due to our lack of experience (we were unable to connect everything seamessly), you will have to use "n" for next, "b" for back, "r" for reset (which will take you to...
MORPHEUS' DREAM Submission for the 7a Gran CITM Game Jam, hosted by Delegació CITM Theme: Somnis i Malsons Subgenres added: Realitats paral·leles Surrealisme Inestabilitat CONTROLS: E: Interact (Take items, drop items) E PRESSED: Do actio...
Stage es un joc d'aventures i exploració de sales no lineal inspirat en The Binding of Isaac i amb elements del genere bullet hell. Desenvolupat per: Víctor Pérez Javier Gómez Oscar Alonso David Subirats Mario Torrents
Lost in Dreams Atrapada en sus propios sueños, la protagonista tiene que encontrar todos los cristales mágicos para poder regresar al mundo real. Lost in Dreams es un juego en 2D de plataformas en pixel art donde la protagonista es capaz...
We are "Hot Penguins", a team of 4: Ana Alcázar Cobo, Adrià García Almadén, Àlex Marín Pérez and José Tur de Zarandieta. We developed this game for the 7th Great CITM GameJam and have created a complete OST and nearly complete uniqu...
Immersive experience in which the player doesn't know if it is a nightmare or reality. Try to complete the match in less than 5 min or take the consequences of your actions. Random obstacle place Stress Control CONTROLS Game Pad Move with J...