Being able to play as a ghost is a unique gimmick, and one that I quite like a lot. Being able to phase through walls seems cool, but was a little disappointed that that's kind of all I could do as a ghost. Being able to die as a ghost seems a touch oxymoronic, but I suppose that's a criteria for a gameplay loop to exist, it needs to have a lose state.
I had a lot of trouble with the parkour, whether the game let me wallrun or jump off a wall or even just double-jump was a little bit finnicky, and I spent a bit of time trying my best to continue on through the level. I really emphatically do not like it, and especially on a conceptual level--if I'm a ghost, I think it would be better to float around ominously, not do ninja flips off walls. Unless I was the ghost of Hanzo Hattori, but unfortunately Ghost Dog II: Debbie Does Dallas doesn't exist yet.
I don't mean to seem down on this, though, playing as a ghost is still extremely cool and the aesthetic looks wonderful. The bright purple environment offset by green bullets and yellow pickups immediately makes it very clear of what to do and where to go, and even if I had a couple question marks the red floors also gave a clear indication of what could be floated through. Well done, and thank you for submitting!
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