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Starting a team

A topic by DarkNaut created Dec 06, 2023 Views: 216 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Hello! I am a unity developer with AAA experience in writing and am currently creating my own fps game with my game studio. I love game game jams and was wanting to work with some new people. Let me know if you're interested!!

Yo! I can code but am a noob game dev. I would love to join you and jam something out. I have done several hackathons but only one gamejam before. I live in LA.

I understand if you are looking for other skill sets though since you can already dev. 

No I'm totally down for you to join!  my disc is MayorGroovy

(2 edits)

Great, sent! PantlessBandit is my discord handle and consequently, my handle on a lot of online games if we ever run into each other lol


Hello, I already have experience creating games for Unity, and I have already made my own fps game demo, I took care of programming, modeling and texturing, I'd love to join your team and contribute to creating something great.

Hey! Sorry I just got a notification for this. Our schedules didnt match up so I just started my own project for this jam since we were already a few days in. Best of luck!


Good luck for you too ^^