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A Game By Its Cover 2016 FAQ Thread Sticky

A topic by Ludonaut created May 31, 2016 Views: 1,678 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 5
Host (4 edits)

(I totally stole most of these from Sophie Houlden's Star Trek Jam (which you should totally join too by the way), if your question isn't answered freel free to ask!)

  • Can I start planning before the beginning of the jam?
    • Yes, if you want to.
  • Could I even start making the game early?
    • Sure.
  • Can I work in a team?
    • Yep
  • What does "Inspired by Famicase" mean?
  • Must I choose one of this year's My Famicase Exhibition?
    • Nope! In fact, you can use any fake cover art that inspires you.
  • Do I have to name my game after its inspirational Famicase entry?
    • No.
  • An artist contacted me and they are uncomfortable with me turning their art into a game, what do I do?
    • Don't be mean, choose a different cart, and let them know.
  • What does "Game" mean?
    • Whatever it means to you.
  • Where can I find previous A Game By Its Cover jams?
  • Will there be voting/judging/ranking/prizes?
    • Nope, no competition. Just people making games and stuff :)
  • Do I have to use the Famicase cover for the cover of my game?
    • We've seen people doing that and don't think there's anything wrong with that. But you should try making an animated GIF cover of your game instead. Try LICEcap or GIFcam.
  • Someone stole my art and put it into their AGBIC game, are you cool with that?
    • No, definitely not! Please contact us and we'll remove it from the jam. You should also report the game to staff via the link at the bottom of the game page.
  • So you extended the deadline. Will you keep doing that?
    • No.
  • I'm running out of time! Can I submit a placeholder and change it later?
    • Yes, totally.
  • What about fixing bugs / making changes after the deadline?
    • All fine.'s jam system is very relaxed that way (which is great).
  • I found a Famicase that I like. Do I have to stick to their description?
    • No.
  • Does my game have to be free or can I charge people money for it?
    • That's up to you, but keep in mind that you can't legally sell other people's artwork. (IANAL)
  • Can I just submit any game, even if it wasn't made for this jam?
    • You can (and people have), but we'll probably remove it.
  • What if I put my own cover art into the Famicase template? Can I submit it then?
    • Nothing stopping you from submitting your spam, nothing stopping us from removing it again.
  • I missed the deadline! Can I still submit my game?
    • Yes. Please contact us and we'll manually add your game to the jam.
  • When will AGBIC 2017 take place?
    • We don't know yet, but definitely after My Famicase 2017 (which should be around March / April).

Just curious, can I make my own Famicase art? O.o

Nevermind. For some reason I thought we'd have to use Famicase art as a thumbnail and stuff. :)


Added a bunch of Qs and As

If there's a game made with the cartridge I want, do i have to change for another?



lol. okay.

(1 edit)

Unrelated to the actual game-jamming, if you remove the "mobile" bit at the end of you'll find this really interesting animated display of the Famicase cover art with atmosphere and stuff. This link will do you if I didn't make sense above