A short but challenging platformer, where you must complete 5 levels, that increase in difficulty as you progress. Made for A 'Tru 2D" Game Jam Controls: Arrow keys - move Space - shoot Esc - pause game
Get all the bunny's carrots before the farmer catches the bunny so he can return home with a delicious treat for his family, good luck! up arrow=up, down arrow= down, right arrow= right, left arrow= left
Use WASD to control your boat. Watch out for the squids and press space when you collect a cannon ball. Try and get to the chest and 3000 points. Make sure you pay attention to every little detail because there are hidden entry ways.
Try to get the puppy to collect the bones while running from the kitties to return home with a delightful treat and no scratches from the cats. Good Luck!!! use-W to go up, S-to go down, A- to go left, D- to go down.