Hello wonderful people!
With us all entering the last few days of this jam, I'm keen to see what you've all been eagerly creating!
If you're running close to time, and reckon you won't get it finished in time - DON'T PANIC! There's no judging or rating here, so feel free to submit whatever you've got and edit it later, or continue working on your game in your own time (but make sure to upload it eventually because I'll obviously want to play it!). Anything else, ping me here or on Twitter (@jessgates025).
And, a massive apology for being somewhat disconnected from everything to do with this jam over the last few weeks (life and brain stuff happened). I'm looking to try to run these on a reasonably regular basis, pending what the next few months bring, so if the creative juices escaped you this time, fear not! There will be more!
Good luck!