Love the game so much your amazing
Such a pleasant experience! Vance and Carmello are important to me, and even the side characters (the sweet ones) are so well defined. I had so much fun playing on stream! Give this sweet little game your time.
A beautiful story that quickly grabbed me and made me feel for these two lovers! Their relationship seems truly so sweet, and I loved to see it!
The art is gorgeous, from sprites to CGs, everyone did an amazing job!
I would love to someday learn more about Orla and her wife, after all, I'm so weak for mother characters and Orla was an absolute delight!!
This was a very nice game, thank you for making it! <3
Emotional writing about very real and relatable experiences. Good job Bez!
Short and sweet <3 That excitement and hesitation is a mix of emotions I know well, and I think the music manages to help capture that.
The cat is so cute!
Cute but way too short if it's a finished game
Going to fight for these cuties WITH EVERY INCH OF MY LIFE! This was a very cute game, and I think when touches on the very serious topics of discrimination and homophobic, as well as acephobia, it does it well.
Carmelo and Vance's love IS SO SWEET AND TENDER! I love how protective they are of each other, and how they stand up for one another when the other can't or won't (i.e. Carmelo towards Angar and his siblings when they're hurling racist insults at Vance, and Vance with Carmelo's homophobic father). They balance each other well, and act as not only an anchor, but a warm blanket of comfort when needed.
Great job, Pri!