I've seen a few other people do this so why not, it might drum up a little interest...
DUMB is going to be a low-poly FPS VERY heavily inspired by Doom and featuring dual-wielding.
DAY 0: Yes, I was working on the game a little bit before the jam starts (Wednesday morning, EST) but I'm milking being sick while it lasts. Once I'm back to full health I'll only have two or three days a week to work on it so please take that into account. I want to stay competitive after all. That being said, I didn't do much in the way of coding, just made some weapon models (chaingun, shotgun, rocket launcher, plasma gun) in Blender and imported them to Unity where I wrote a short script that gave them some juicy sway when looking around.
DAY 1: I checked the theme first thing in the morning (Thursday)... hmmm. Aberration. That should be easy to incorporate from a plot standpoint but I'm not so sure about the gameplay aspect. I'll figure something out eventually. To procrasinate, I made some models for enemies and animated them. These include...
Chomper - A Pinky analog, a tough and fast melee enemy.
Wraith - It was going to be an Imp analog but I had issues with the legs deforming while trying to animate it inside Unity so I cut them off and made it a flying magic-using enemy. I really need to learn how to rig my Blender models, none of these enemies will have any bones.
Big Bruiser - My interpretation of the Baron of Hell if it were mixed with a Krogan from Mass Effect. This time the arms had the mesh deformation issue, so I cut them off and gave it twin shoulder-fired missile launchers in addition to spitting fireballs.
Mutant - A basic zombie that sometimes wields a weapon.
Spiky - Imp analog, throws fireballs and claws you.
This took up most of my time for the day but I also made a movement script that allows moving around, jumping, dashing, and air slamming. It's not at all polished and will probably take a lot of work to feel right.
DAY 2: I worked on making the dual-wielding work (yes I am a poet), namely in conjunction with keeping track of how much ammo (also added that today) each weapon has. Of course if we have ammo, the weapons need to be able to fire, so I did that as well as and spent about 30 minutes just firing them to test out the "feel". The shotgun in particular feels, looks, and sounds absolutely badass. Note for future reference, I need to add muzzle flashes and screen shake for extra juiciness. The day's not over yet, and I still have a bug to iron out with the dual wielding and some more weapons to make.
That's about it so far... if anyone has any suggestions regarding how I can incorporate the theme, I'd be glad to hear them!