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Community Matters: Addressing Concerns About The Developer CringleDragons Locked

A topic by PrimeAmbition created 82 days ago Views: 53 Replies: 3
This topic was locked by Sophie Houlden 79 days ago
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Game Jams are events that help developers form new connections, test their skills, gain experience, and create a sense of community.
The "Roses in the Flames Demo" project does not represent the core principles of a Game Jam. Its creator, CringleDragons, has actively gone out of their way to prove they do not stand on proper morals and will do anything within their power to force a public vision of the project they want. They lie to and censor fans/players to achieve this goal.
Rather than retype everything, I will share an image of posts I have made that have been deleted. One can even go to some of their Jam entries and their projects' comment section and see the leftover proof of deleted comments they couldn't entirely hide. The below image gives my reasoning, which was removed purposefully by CringleDragons to craft a narrative that I am some random sent after them by someone else with malicious intent when, in reality, I am a player who was shunted away and blocked for having a single negative opinion on an otherwise reasonable review.

They have no respect for people or their fans. They do not care for reason. They are not representative of the excellent developers on the platform who have joined this Game Jam, and they don't deserve to be included among such fantastic, hardworking, and skilled creators who care about community. I've come to this conclusion not because of their game or development ability but because of the bad character they so openly demonstrated and their refusal to answer to any toxic practices they implement.
Thank you.


okay so first of all, this is not censorship. If they deleted your comment then you can post it elsewhere. You are not endangered by doing this, nobody is threatening you or anyone you care about, there are no consequences for your critique except maybe it getting deleted, and nothing is stopping you posting it again elsewhere.

secondly, I have to assume that since you are putting so much energy to an issue so trivial that either having your comment deleted is the worst thing that has ever happened in your life and you have nothing else to be concerned about… Or (and, to give you some credit, I think this is much more likely) you actually have some shit you’re facing IRL and feel you have no control, escape, or way to deal with it. And instead you’re doing this.

If you need actual help, I beg of you to seek it out. There ARE people that will look out for you, even if it doesn’t seem like it.

otherwise, don’t waste my time. I genuinely do not care that your comment on a game got deleted.

(1 edit)

They've done this to others, too, so I'm coming forward with this.

This isn't just some personal issue; I only have access to my screenshots because everyone else's stuff gets deleted & you cannot expect everyone to take screenshots of their comments beforehand. There is proof of others getting their comments deleted that aren't mine on their game page and in their other game jam entries. What they are doing is censorship. They are actively suppressing information and fabricating another story entirely by commenting things like, "You're working for someone else" or "You never reviewed our game," then blocking the person and deleting others' comments. It's not just one user's comments; it's anything they don't like, or that will change the story they want others to see. That's why their game's demo has comments spread out so far apart.
Their behavior has attacked the community, and that is why I'm speaking out where I can. They do what I stated above across any platform that enables them to do so.


maybe you didn’t realise I was this community’s moderator when you reported my own post as:

“blatantly attacked another user though a comment, insulting what they assume is their personal life at am attempt to force them off the platform”

which it clearly isn’t. Obviously. You’re wasting my time, I told you not to do that. So you’re banned here. (And again, this isn’t censorship: you’re free to go be annoying elsewhere, but not here. I’m not even going to delete your posts, but frankly you shouldn’t consider this a favour- they make you look very foolish. I advise you find something else to invest your time in.)

Host locked this topic