Working title? I really have no idea what game Im working towards this early on, only that I know Im working towards a game! It will probably be some take on a lunar lander kind of game. Not sure if it will be on the Moon, or maybe Mars? - maybe Michael Collins tries to passive aggressively out-do the achievement of his peers landing on the actual moon below as he waits for their return. Or maybe ill do some funny twist where you have to crash the lander or something. Not sure yet.
But with the file size restriction I did see this gamejam as the perfect opportunity to finally get around to learning BASIC on Commodore 64 - its been on my todo list for years, and has been something Ive really wanted to get into since I was about 5 years old and had my first PC (a Commodore 64 of course!)
So day 1 progress has been:
- Setup/configured a C64 Emulator (went with VICE) + also discovered an in-browser C64 emulator which could be extra easy for distrubution/hosting the game if I can put it up on my web server or something
- Procrastinated and played some of my favourite retro C64 games XD
- Wrote my first program in BASIC and got it to run
- Worked out an initial code import > export type of workflow (I'll need to work out how to create a game disk/catridge for source code editing/saving/running once things get more involved)
- Design a sprite
- Render a sprite!
I didnt know if Id get as far as creating a sprite tonight, but... well:
Thats 800 bytes for that sprite - so technically at this point 31,200 bytes of code for this jam remain.
I'll be posting more updates to twitter as I progress in the next 2 months, looking forward to seeing what everyone else gets up to!