No comment section, posting here. Keyboard controls for fast swapping terrain objects are a good idea if you can pair it with the ability to also use your mouse when going through the advanced list for a specific terrain. Layer system seems to work and whenever I enter play mode and attempt to return to edit mode it will always crash on me. Add a zoom in/out function, full screen and you're golden.
1 and 2 to select tiles was definitely hard to get used to, and very annoying. Even by the end of using it (like 15 min) I still kept trying to click the icons due to muscle memory.
I forgot to add: while up against horizontal walls, you walk slower, but while up against vertical ones, you walk at a normal speed. Unsure if intentional.
No comment section, posting here. Keyboard controls for fast swapping terrain objects are a good idea if you can pair it with the ability to also use your mouse when going through the advanced list for a specific terrain. Layer system seems to work and whenever I enter play mode and attempt to return to edit mode it will always crash on me. Add a zoom in/out function, full screen and you're golden.
Feels cool, but am I unable to delete characters? Had to restart to get them to go away, it seemed.
The drag-to-create-rooms is my favorite feature, and the layer system seems to work fine.
Nice work
thanks for playing my man. Did anything feel awkward while using it?
1 and 2 to select tiles was definitely hard to get used to, and very annoying. Even by the end of using it (like 15 min) I still kept trying to click the icons due to muscle memory.
I forgot to add: while up against horizontal walls, you walk slower, but while up against vertical ones, you walk at a normal speed. Unsure if intentional.