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Acras Project Demo v.32's pageComments
This reminds me of valkyria chronicles in some sense. Move one character at a time(turn-based) but the range of movment is free and not tile-based unlike many other games. The game runs very smooth and stable, didn't run in to any bug / crash.
The strongest point atm is characters/animations. sprite animation is in super high quality and I already like the characters without getting to know them in depth.
Noe is the best girl btw.
I really like where this could go. I will say I still have no idea how to do Zushi's QTE but overall I really like idea of this
I gave up after 5 minutes spent trying to figure out the controls. The enemies don't actually attack me during their turn so it never ends. From the comments I assume you have to double click, I might give it another go later on.
That's a shame, it looks really nice everywhere but in the UX department. Also took me a while to find the ONE button that let me progress through dialogue. Clicking should also work at the very least.
Definitely needs some UX improvements. At first I thought the in-game instructions were telling me to right click instead of double click. There should also be some indicator for when you don't have enough green bar to attack even though you're in range - grayed out could mean anything.
The game seems promising though. Hopefully there's lots of banter. I really like the battle system, but I wonder if WASD should be represented as up, down, left, right in the game. You don't really think in terms of letter names when moving with WASD, so the QTEs are kind of unintuitive.
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