It would be nice to have a "continue" button on the pause screen.
It's not super obvious at first what the circles above the player represent. I deduced it was hp and ammo? Or maybe it's hp and aiming?
The play/resume icon seems to be stuck on my screen. Maybe let it fadeout after a while or make it less "in-your-face"?
The pathing seems kinda weird on the overworld? My character wants to go around trees for some reason even if there's a clear route straight ahead.
Going to the building with a yellow mark in the overworld didn't work at first so I lost some time running around attacking patrols because I didn't know what to do.
The enemies don't seem to care about standing on open-ground without cover while being shot.
One of my characters that seemed to be into cover died anyway. The blue circle didn't appear for some reason but there were some boxes between the the character and the enemy.
It would be nice if you could differentiate better the overworld to the regular maps because they look quite the same.
I hope the feedback is useful it feels good to see a game coming along and making progress.
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