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A member registered Sep 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Nice game! I like the theme, it's original.

Some feedback:

  • Enemies feel way too bullet sponge-y. 
  • Also I don't like shooting at animals :(

Feedback noted, thank you for playing! The level is indeed a little hard for beginners, I'm going to work on a tutorial eventually.

I tried using the F + RMB command to make them drive on the road, but it didn't seem to work.

it's F + LMB

making my tanks target them either seems to do nothing sometimes, or makes them drive up really close before eventually starting to attack.

I dislike this too, it's because there's small changes in elevation that block LOS. The next map I make is going to be much flatter.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

and a indicator for your cursor that shows whether a particular location is forest or open ground

It's already there in the bottom right. I might move it elsewhere so it's more similar to wargame / warno.

Can't wait for SFX to get added.

I'm working working on that right now.

Some good additions would be a range read out in the LOS overlay,

On my to do list.

Thanks for the feedback!

Maybe you could swap default path with the fast pathing and just make "shortest" path keybind?

When I have a proper options menu maybe.

Controls are fine, easy to understand and use, but I wasn't sure if I could micro ammo and other guns.

I'm eventually going the option to disable ammo types. Units automatically pick the best ammo type available. You can turn weapons on and off.

Without debug I couldn't play, I don't know how far my tanks can shoot.

This is the most recurring feedback so I'm going make it a priority.

If I Q+LMB on enemy outside of it's range, tank wants to come close to the enemy, not sure if it's intended.

It's because of small changes in elevation that block line of sight. Next time I make a map I'll make sure large parts are completely flat.

Thank you, feedback noted.

And the most mandatory ADD ANIMU ICONS TO THE UNITS

You're completely right.

Feedback noted, thanks!

(I assume) terrain height is key for positioning and line of sight, and it's just really not clear given terrain shading, and without a line-of-sight indicator outside of debugging tool.

There is a line of sight indicator outside of the debugging tool, hold C. The terrain right now kinda sucks because there's a lot of small changes in elevation which may block LOS. When I work on the next iteration for terrain generation I'll make sure large parts are completely flat and it's obvious when there's a change in elevation.

(1 edit)

Thank you!

The aim percentage looked like it was stuck at 0% a lot of the time even though units where fighting.

Most if not all weapon types right now have to finish reloading before aiming, and before units reload they may have to swap ammo types. There's a short 1-2 seconds timer for that but it's not displayed in the UI yet.

Nice game! Steering with the mouse is interesting but I wouldn't enable it by default, it feels weird at first. I see with some practice how it could be superior to using keys.

Nice game! The mech is very fun to pilot. I'd like to be able to lock the guns with a mouse button, then steer with the mouse. I'm looking forward to playing more levels.

That’s a new one. I resize in windowed mode all the time without issues. Did it just crash or something?

It makes the game look like this and the character keeps turning to the left.

I like the idea and how the game looks. This is promising. I wish the crab would move faster.

The new levels are fun, nice job.

I broke the game by switching from fullscreen to window, then resizing it. 

I still wish there was a flashlight.

Do headshots do more damage? If so, it's doesn't feel like a big difference.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

You're right about sound effects, thanks for the feedback.

Feedback noted, thanks! The view range is displayed in debug mode when a unit is selected. I might combine it to the line of sight tool.

Thank you I'll look into it.

Did the countdown on the upper right of your screen run out?

I'm getting an instant crash when I try to run the game. The window pops up for less than a second then closes.

I'm running windows 10, intel processor, amd graphics card (RX 6600).

(1 edit)

I commented a while ago that your game needs a flashlight and I think that's still true. I like your game, I hope that I'll be able to play a new level one day!

Thanks for playing! Art is by hirotonfa.

(2 edits)

Very nice game! Here's my feedback.

The presentation feels really polished and the gameplay is a lot of fun.

I tried to equip the blue ribbon but it disappeared. Not sure what happened. I had to restart.

If I were you the thing I'd focus on the most is making the character art and 3D models look better. (Particularly the faces on the 3D models)

The cutscenes are really well made and enjoyable.

The music is alright but a little generic.

You should make the items autoequip. Going into the inventory is not fun. Especially since you have to do it all the time.

Nice game. It's my first time playing since 3 and a half years ago. (Demo day 31). Looks like you've made huge amounts of progress. Here's my feedback and impressions that I wrote as I played the game.

Initial impression is pretty good. I enjoy the details like the rats moving around. I like that you can see your character's legs. Feels like a proper immersive sim.

I tried to climb the pile of junk to my left when starting the game and almost made it to the top but got blocked by an invisible wall. I'm a bit disappointed.

Please add a splash sound effect when walking into puddles.

I can't figure out how to combine the cassette player and the scrap log I picked up on the table.

The book font is hard to read.

Jumping to climb up the ladder is really weird.

Right clicking an aug  and selecting "equip" should actually equip it and not make the character hold it in her hand. Having to use the separate menu is unintuitive.

I tried to talk to the bartender and he attacked me.

My character fired her gun when clicking to use an ability.

I wish you could map your abilities to the bottom hotbar.

I'm glad the game doesn't have invisible walls after going outside. I like the freedom of exploration.

I wish the game would be more generous on the night vision battery usage because the game is really dark.

Have you played Babbdi? You should check it out if you haven't. It's very similar to your game. Could be good inspiration.

I like the diagonal elevator. You're probably aware but jumping is bugged when you ride it.

I can't find the objective but I love exploring the city and getting lost in it. Eventually found some subculturalists that shot at me.

This is a nitpick but shouldn't reloading the mosin nagant make you lose a round since your character immediately cycles the bolt after firing? (Played too much Red Orchestra 2).

You should disable more hud elements by default or make them semi-transparent to enhance the immersion. I noticed you added the options to do that, it's nice. The compass isn't really necessary, it should be more subtle.

Shooting guards with the mosin feels really satisfying, I like it.

The loud porn actor scream easter egg is a little funny but it's very annoying. I'd make it way more subtle.

I wish I could grab the coke bricks to sell them later.

There needs to be a way to manually rotate items in the inventory. If there was one I couldn't find it.

It's too easy to accidentally activate abilities that will drain your battery meter in 2 seconds.

I stopped playing after deactivating the subculturalist's fan and jumping under it. I had a lot of fun. Aside from fixing the ladders what I would focus on if I were you is making more obvious where your objective is. Being able to see it from outside a window near the start would be cool.

I got to flying my spaceship then gave up. I almost didn't write anything because I didn't play for long but I thought getting some feedback about the first player experience would be better than nothing. Take my feedback with a grain of salt, I might not be in your target audience.

I looped back to the first checkpoint.

Hey thanks for the feedback. I'd love to implement your suggestions, they're good ideas but I'll have to focus on issues with the core mechanics first.

(3 edits)

Nice game! I know you've been working on it for a while but it's actually my first time playing. 

The space combat looks fun. However I don't like getting lore dumped when starting a new game. The UI felt overwhelming. I couldn't tell what the icons meant. I might be too ADHD for this. If I were you I would start the player immediately flying in the spaceship so you can experience the meat of the game first, then the RPG stuff later.

I like how the city looks.

I could nitpick on some details like being able to do multiple jumps mid air but you probably already know.

I hope you find this feedback useful. I like seeing you post progress.

(3 edits)

Nice game! Here's my initial impressions and feedback that I wrote as I played the game.

I like the presentation. The intro logo is very soulful.

I like that you see the area name when you start playing.

The red and green confirm/cancel buttons look out of place but I guess they're probably placeholders.

Jumping feels unresponsive. I'm not sure if it's intended or not. It's like there's input delay.

I don't like having to use the mouse to attack since using the sword doesn't require aiming. Maybe it's because you unlock a gun later on? I hope you're going to add rebindable controls so I can use Z/X/C to attack and interact.

You should be able to close the menu and map mid-animation. Also, the animations take too long.

It'd be nice if you could have a map overlay so you can move while looking at the map.

Since you have to use the mouse, you should being able to click to advance through the tutorial screens.

I feel like a game journalist lol but I got stuck on A6-2 for a while because at first I couldn't see the thing you are supposed to hit. Then I thought it was too high to hit after trying 2-3 times. So I backtracked because I thought I missed an item.

You should be able to grab ladders mid-air.

I don't like how the character controls, in general. Being locked in animations doesn't feel great. I understand I might not be the target audience however, since this looks like a cinematic platformer.

After climbing the ladder I was moving the crate and I almost softlocked myself. My character got stuck between the barrel and crate and was jiggling left and right. I could climb down the ladder but when I climbed back up I was stuck again. Thankfully I could destroy the barrel by attacking.

Looking forward to see you make progress on this game, it looks really cool and ambitious.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Yeah I know it's going to take a while. I've already been working on it for a long time. I had to redo the movement + pathfinding of the units from scratch several times after working on them for months. Someone more reasonable would have given up by now but I like this game project too much to quit.

>even if it's just for testing purpuses, add a X2, X4 speed

it's already there (page up, page down, home, pause)

Thank you!

>Are you planning on adding in control groups?

Yes I'd like to add control groups but I'll have to prioritize more important issues first.

>I can't tell if spotting enemies is working correctly.

It is behaving weirdly at the moment, and has really bad performance. Overhauling that system will be among the top priority for the next demo.

Feedback noted, thanks!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Yes, the universe is fictitious so all the units will be non-historical. The current vehicle models are placeholders. The units will be based loosely on the early cold war. I'd like to have a research tree that lets you unlock helicopters, atgms, better planes, etc. However these are still a long way off.

The anime aspect won't affect the wargame-style gameplay too much. It's more about the aesthetics, the story, the characters.


Yep, planning on doing those suggestions.

Feedback noted! I really appreciate it.

Thank you! Definitely planning on adding more wargame features.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I know it's pretty barebones but I'm happy I got something playable after working on it for a very long time. Movement and pathfinding were hard to do.
You can change the time scale with page up / down, home to reset, pause to pause.