So I killed some knights, farmed some crystals and died to a boss I think (the card that lets you bounce a creature as an ability is kind of bullshit, the card can attack, and if blocked bounce a creature). I have played magic the gathering for years so I am always interested in card games. The gameplay itself was in the style of magic with similar phases and attacking and blocking which is perfectly fine. I could not find the forge in the VERY large island area but I got my deck and was able to set out to adventure. Side note the deck editing tutorial screen cuts off and doesn't show the entirety of the text. The mouse not only does not stay in the application if you have two screens but in the dungeon it was always on the screen. In combat I found sometimes I could not click to target creatures but usually opening the graveyard and closing it allowed me to do so. It's hard to tell when creatures are exhausted because some cards are already grayscale looking, I would use a symbol over the card to indicate this. Balance wise it is insanely powerful that all cards can attack when summoned, given that players life start sub 20, I would increase life totals or remove the "haste". I enjoyed that you could reorder cards in hand, a nice touch. It's fun to fight using a card game and I like that aspect. The dungeon look great and was large and had multiple pathways which is great. I will try to figure out this crafting because I'm sure that makes the game even better!
Misc bugs:
Enemy pathing
It is possible to clip through ceilings
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