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A member registered Nov 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey friend!
It will be available on Steam!

Unfortunately I'm stuck dealing with some silly issues that I need to solve before being able to set the Steam page to public, but I'll try to get that up and running as soon as I can!

Hey friend, I'm preparing for a full release so I took it down for now, it will be available in a couple of months!

(1 edit)

Hey friend!

Thanks for your comment!

After you craft a card, you need to open your deck editor with Q or the deck editor button on the top right. There you can add cards from your vault to your deck. You can also change card variants, which work by making all cards with the same artwork obtain the same effect. If you buy a new card from the merchant or open a new card from a pack that shares the same art as a previous card you already owned, now you can turn all copies into the new more powerful variant making your deck much stronger!

Hey friend, thanks for the feedback!

I will try to work on performance. Not that much has changed since the last demo, especially nothing related to CPU as opposed to GPU, but I'll look into it.

Raw stats are pretty powerful at first but they are tied to your intelligence stat. There's still a lot of balance left to do, crafting powerful spells is very important on higher-difficulty runs, but getting more gems becomes easier as you progress. I should adjust crafting costs for new players so they also get to craft cool effects even with limited gems.

Hey friend!

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm really sorry your game hung up. Could you send your player.log file and savegame.save files located in the following path: C:\Users\YOURUSENAMEHERE\AppData\LocalLow\Fullen Games\Card Artisan 

Regarding the other points;

Milling has been considered overpowered by other players so it has been toned down time after time even though it is a bit slow.

The problem with changing text is that if you are on speed 1 you can click through each one of those phases that go by fast, so it's hard to tone them down for other speeds but I'll see what I can do.

A sound effect for changing turns would be nice, I agree.

Tooltips are in the game on every screen except for the deck selection. They appear whenever you hover a card.

Thanks again for playing I'd really appreciate it if you could send me those 2 files to try and see what caused the game to hang.

Thanks for playing and for your comment, friend!

A tutorial is definitely needed, I've been evading making it for a while, but it will be done soon enough.

The art will be replaced at some point and hopefully it will be better than the current placeholder AI art, but I'm happy to hear it kinda worked for you.

The champion not playing anything is due to each deck being randomly generated, they probably got a really bad deck with not enough cheap cards. However this is less of problem the higher you go on the difficulty ladder since enemies get stronger and their decks do so as well.

Again, thanks for the feedback and for your time!

Thanks for playing, friend.

The specs on that laptop should be more than enough, so it must be related to being run on Linux. Can't really do much about it since I don't even have a Linux environment to test the game, but I hope that at least it was playable on Low.

I agree, the 3d environment is pretty shoddy and I hope I can improve on it further down the line.

Thanks for playing, fren!

I'm not sure if you noticed but you can change the settings to make the turnflow much faster. Also there will be an option that makes the phases fly by instantaneously (Still the turn itself isn't as quick as the games you mentioned but playing with those settings would likely make it much more bearable).

The GPU going high is because I'm a moron and I developed this while learning what the heck I was doing. As a result, a lot of things are images instead of sprites. This causes overdraw and uses a lot of GPU regardless of how strong your GPU is. (It also elevates the minimum required specs since very weak GPUs don't like dealing with this). This has me a bit scared since I don't want people thinking the game has some miner or something stupid like that, but fixing it entails a massive refactoring of the game, so I haven't tackled it and I'm not sure If I'm strong enough to do so.

At any rate, thanks again for playing and for your comment!

Hey friend!

I just realized I uploaded the wrong version to Itch!!! I'm so sorry! Please download the new version once you get the chance!

Hey friend!

Sorry to hear that you are having issues . 

If you could give me some more info about the situation like which class you are playing, what version you downloaded and maybe a screenshot of your deck I'd really appreciate it!

Hey friend!

Thank you very much for your comment. Here's a new link to the server!


Hey friend!
I just updated the Discord link.

Regarding the gems, they are considered experience points that you can use in the main menu "Upgrades" sub-menu.

Hey friend!
I'm sorry to hear that you are encountering issues.

The saves are not working properly on the current version, I will shortly upload a small update that fixes those issues. Unfortunately, your current run is not recoverable and you'll have to start a new run.

Hey friend!
Thank you very much for your comments!

Balance is quite difficult to achieve with how many random aspects the game employs, still, I'll try to improve it down the road!

Here's the invite to the Discord server! https://discord.gg/CAf2kQrYu I'll be happy to see your meme mods!

Hey friend!

Thanks for the feedback,  the new version is being worked on and it's set to release this week with fixes to those issues you mentioned. I'm very sorry that you had that annoying experience, especially since the bug that causes that is very silly. I hope you come back and check it out this weekend when the new update goes live!

Hey friend, thanks for your comment!

Here's a fresh invite to the Discord server. 


It goes down every 30 days since Discord decided to limit permainvites to communities.

I've improved support for different screen ratios. They are far from ideal or perfect but they should make the game playable. I still have a few adjustments left to make, but I should have it ready by tomorrow night. Support SHOULD range from 4:3 to 21:9.

No problem the least I can do is give a proper reply to comments!

There's no static cards (yet). SRs and URs have a chance of being generated with unique names based on their card art. Refining can either decrease mana cost, remove negative effects, or increase attack and resistance, so maybe you got one of the other refine bonuses.

I think one of the charms of the game is how it sometimes generates cards that seem very well designed even though they are completely random.

Well, first of all, thank you for all the feedback, and for playing in general!

I'll go over some of your comments.

-Difficulty: It is a bit hard for me to balance the randomness of enemies, the power of the meta-progression elements, and the power of the different classes with the player skill. The first 20 difficulties could be very easy for veteran card game players while difficulty 0 could be nightmarish for new players. I'm thinking of ways to balance this, but the AI being kinda of weak right now is a result of me nerfing it so much for the sake of inexperienced players feeling cheated by cheap AI cards. Also, I'm thinking about nerfing the meta-progression skills since they are a bit too strong at the moment. Lastly, you mention enemies not playing differently. They indeed don't change much in the way they play, but rather their decks get stronger the higher the difficulty. I know this isn't ideal but it is what I could manage for now. Not playing cards only occurs because their randomly generated deck was maybe terrible and they didn't get any cheap playable cards.

-Strength and potions: This is true, strength goes from being quite desirable to being basically useless with meta progression. I'm thinking of ways to deal with this.

-Infinite loops: The game has a hard cap of 50(I think?) triggers per card per turn, but that does take some time to reach with two cards. People like going infinite so I left the cap very high, but it might be a bit much, I'll do something about it. 

-Quests, meta progression, and how they are unclear: These two systems are in fact a bit unclear when you first pick them up. Hopefully, once I get tutorials going this issue will be solved.  Also right-clicking to level-down should be implemented at some point.

-Keeping decks: A system to keep records of your previous run's decks is being worked on for both the purpose of just checking your best decks of all time, to having them available for custom runs once those get implemented.

-Cards rising bug: That was supposed to be fixed but a recent change might have broken them I'll check it out.

-Quest tracker: This was requested by other players and I do want to implement something like this at some point, so yeah, it is on the list.

-Giving enemies a face: This is indeed something I should do, I'm going to try and figure out a way to get this going at some point.

-Bugs: I'm really sad to hear you encountered so many bugs. Having a screenshot of what the field looked like when those occurred would've been extremely helpful for the bugs in combat. For the loading bug, I haven't encountered them myself lately, but they have been known to happen before. If you even encounter them again in the future, sending your savefile my way would be really helpful. It gets overwritten as soon as you start a new game, so if you intend to send it, please keep that in mind.

-Game crash: Haven't seen this one before. I'll try to test out the scenario you mentioned.

-Card combinations being bad: That specific scenario (Add 1 mana for a cost of 2) was supposed to be forcibly fixed already but I guess it can still happen, I'll look into it. In general, I do want to keep some level of silliness for card generation, but I'll think about restricting more dumb combinations in the future.

-The Assassin quest; To unlock the assassin you need to craft a Minion with 1 active and 3 passives, add it to your deck, and play it during battle for the achievement to unlock.

Again thank you very much for your feedback and comments friend!

Thanks for the info!

I don't have any way to test things on Mac, but the issue here is the automatic scaling and the weird ratio your screen has.

I will try to test and accommodate for your ratio as soon as possible. 

Admittedly I also need to offer more resolution options for windowed mode.

Hey friend!
Thanks for the feedback. Could you tell me what resolution you are playing on?

Hey friend!

Could you tell me what resolution you are playing on? this is clearly not how this screen is intended to be displayed, you are missing an X on the top right that allows you to close the merchant.

For the time being you can try pressing escape and changing the game to windowed mode, this way you can lower the resolution and hopefully see the full screen!

Thanks for the feedback friend!

I'm so sad to hear that the game died for you. I changed that specific event, specifically for the adventurer and I fricking forgot to test it, very unfortunate.

The crafted cards going to the vault is a bit confusing, I have to do something about that.

At any rate, thanks for the feedback, I'll look into that bug and if I can fix it I'll upload a new build, feel free to download that next time you play if you actually end up taking it for another spin!

Hey friend!

Thank you for playing! I wish I could've seen a screenshot of the problem you mentioned, but oh well.

Regarding  zoom, you can scroll up on A card and have a big version show up for ease of reading.

Thanks for playing fren!

I'm working on renewing card art but it might still clash a bit. Fonts are hard but I'll try to improve.

I'm still trying to find out why the game is so GPU intensive, it shouldn't be tbh.

Thanks for the feedback!

There you go, friend. Please give that a try and let me know how it works out

I figured out a quick and dirty solution that should fix the problem for you, although I'll have figure out a proper implementation later on.

I'll upload the fix in a bit.

I see,  thanks for the information. I still have to do a lot of adjustments for resolutions other than 16:9. Honestly if you are actually interested in playing the game I can make a custom build to adjust to your resolution right now.

Why and how is your screen like that?

What's your resolution ? Also you could try playing not on full screen and changing the resolution so the window is smaller.

Hey! Thanks for the feedback.

How do you mean exactly? Are you trying to play on 4:3 or something? Or do you mean it just from a design standpoint being annoying to play?

Thanks for letting me know the link expired!
Here's a new one https://discord.gg/gfzwXuBNb .

Regarding mods, I also would love to see more mods created and shared, unfortunately I can't really include them in the base game, so please do ask and share about mods in the server!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment, friend!
Would love to watch your stream of it!

Also, a new version will be coming in 10 days or so, so I'd recommend you give it a try when it finally get's posted=

Hey friend.

I looked up some tutorial online but I don't quite remember which one or where exactly it was hosted.

Hey friend.

The current card art is all placeholders while we wait for the artists to finish working on the real art!

What can I say but

Conglaturation - YouTube

If you don't mind going there, I sent you a dm on discord.

Hey man!
Thanks for the feedback!

Do you happen be around? I could really use your savefile to see why the button is now working.

Thanks for playing, fren!

You have various options for skipping, you can press spacebar instead of clicking. You can click to a specific phase in the middle bar and the game skips until that phase. And then you can press 4 or select the fourth option on the right side to skip the turn. I know these things aren't super clear but the menu has a "how to play/controls" button that also tells you this information.

The AI has some checks not to play cards with costs that would kill it, but it seems to not be working in some cases, I'll look into that!

No problem! 

New version is up, I hope this fixes the issue!

Yeah I realized what was going on, some things were being saved properly with the new save system, so people coming from older version (myself included) wouldn't notice this issue, but new players that started on version 0.5.3 or 0.5.4 were probably getting this error.