I've somehow never played Freelancer but this was fun, can definitely see myself play more. I know the game is pretty far along so most of my feedback is pretty nit-picky I think.
- The resolution dropdown doesn't do anything, nothing happens when pressing it. The ingame one that is.
- Loading bar going backwards a bit sometimes is just evil.
- Found an odd bug; if you start the game, quit to the main menu and start a game again the screen will go black but there is still audio playing (from some cutscene?), esc doesnt show the menu either.
- Some voices are a bit grating to the ears with the radio filter while others are perfectly fine.
- A bit jarring when it changes from voice to just text, like in the elevator scene, but I don't think any of the voice stuff is final.
- AI voices sound good.
- Binding "Close Menu" to Escape is not a good idea, whoops.
- You "Dock" with warpgates, a bit strange wording but alright.
- You can't bind controls to just Shift, Alt, or Ctrl. At least Alt and Ctrl would be nice.
- The sounds when hitting ships with your guns is a bit weak (at least with the starting weapons), wish they were punchier.
- Some of the skyboxes look a bit "too close".
- A bit stingy with the music sometimes, traveling >30 km with just the engine humming.
- Entering a warpgate in cockpit mode hides the cockpit model.
- Move the speed indicator to a monitor while in cockpit mode?
- Auto docking sometimes starts grinding against spacestations, I'll just do it myself.
- Cursor is still visible when exiting stations.
- The short tutorial was alright.
- Mining drone and adv mining drone costs the same?
- Some of the ships in the starting dock do not have collisions, probably just not done yet.
- I wanted to try out some mining; bought a mining drone and head out to an asteroid field, activating the drone there only drained my energy and it still said "Off", shooting asteroids didn't seem to do much. I could only wistfully stare at the other big mining ship blasting away at a rock. Headed to a scrapyard instead where the droid would zip around and gather stuff, I tried to tail it to see what it was gathering when the rendering of the game froze. The game was still running, audio was playing and my inputs did stuff, but the picture was still. Had to force close out of it, from the log file:
0x00007FFF0012ACDB (UnityPlayer) UnityMain 0x00007FF7AC231207 (Underspace) 0x00007FFF61A07604 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk 0x00007FFF620426A1 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart (Filename: Line: 1315) d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (1920 x 1080 fmt 19 aa 1), error 0x887a0005 (Filename: Line: 219) d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 0 size 8256) [0x887A0005] d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 0 size 3456) [0x887A0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005]
The last line is then spammed endlessly.
- Standard ordering of these button, F4 before F3? Alright
- Interesting warp spot for F5 in starting station:
- Being able to hover these icons and get some small info could be nice:
- Some shadows are pretty funky:
- When talking to Karbelle while you're getting your ship you can very briefly see him blink out of existence during the fade in: https://files.catbox.moe/ow87vy.mp4
- This circle light gets very excited sometimes: https://files.catbox.moe/9fab8p.mp4
- Vid sizes are pretty big I was too lazy to compress.
- Performance in some interiors fluctuated a lot while looking around 30-100 FPS, suppose they're not final of course.
Cool game, hope you'll hit the release point soon.
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