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Pastaspace Interactive

A member registered Mar 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Good base, flight model is relatively smooth and time to kill feels acceptable, I can see the inspirations here and that's a good thing. 

You should give your colliders a physical material with a high bounce value, that'll make colliding feel less like a loop of slamming into stuff. 

Missile lock-on and usage needs a lot of work. Color changing some sort of reticule to indicate when I was locked on would help, but it also felt like the turning and tracking of them didn't work out at all.

Thrusters/engines should be given some trail renderers. Will make it easier to track ships and look generally better in more chaotic battles.

There's no real intertia in rolling your ship compared to all the other controls, it feels kind of awkward in addition to how it rolls around the center of the screen as opposed to the center of the ship itself. Camera's fine in terms of overall lag and following, as is strafing.

You should also change the radius of the offscreen indicators so that they don't overlap the ship's energy/missile bars too.

I honestly liked the game more as a creative game than as a puzzle game. But I guess Tracks! fills that niche. Still, more Lego Loco likes would be appreciated. Severely appreciated.

(1 edit)

That sounds like an issue with your browser then. You can try downloading it through's app.

You can try downloading it with's launcher. But unless you have some sort of odd antivirus, this is just a normal download like from any other website.

You can walk around on stations and planets, but it's much closer to how the X games handle it. This is at its core a space game, so the focus is on spacefighter gameplay. Post-release we will be adding EVA mechanics, but again, it's meant to focus on space.

I think the name of the game here in terms of improvements is feedback: 

Some sort of sound or reorganization of the ammo HUD is needed, it's hard to tell when I need to reload there. Some sort of dry fire or click when you're out of bullets would help.

In general with the HUD I'd assume it's placeholder but you've got a lot of unused space, you could at least move the ammo counter/what gun you have widget over to the right hand side.

Add some randomization of pitch to the gun sounds too.

The tilt is fine but it needs to occur when you're strafing, not when you're turning.

When running over pickups the popups happens way too fast, I can't see what the text said. Either make it last a few seconds longer or have it up on the screen itself.

Lastly there doesn't seem to be much of an incentive to kill enemies. It's one thing if they're easy enough to avoid, but they don't seem to impede my progress to the next area nor do they seem to drop anything I'll need.

Did you go through the tutorial at all? It'll try and ease you into the mechanics for the most part.

Bring back spidergame.

Bring BACK spidergame.

Kinda want there to be a small animation for jumping (since everything else here is so nicely put together the lack of any sort of animation there is odd). 

Combat feels... eh. Spent a lot of time just trying to line up attacks with enemies, particularly flying ones. Some sort of directional stuff, even if it's an upgrade introduced later on, would be ideal. 

The map closing animation takes a bit too long. Double its speed and it should be much better.

Yeah I just don't even bother with it anymore and download directly from the page.

I think you may have downloaded an old version. Are you using the app to do it? The app fucks up sometimes.

For the dialog, accepting the option closes the dialog.

Mind sending me your saves? It'd be under appdata/locallow/pastaspace interactive/saves. I'd need both the .uwf and .unf files.

  • Entering a warpgate in cockpit mode hides the cockpit model.

Were you able to enter warpgates in this demo, or do you mean the ancient one in the nebula?

Then I expect some steam whistles out of those Galenyds.

Wading through a literal sea of bullets is great, but there's a lot of visual things here I do not like. The vignettes or shadows on the screen can make it hard to pick out stuff, and there's so many particle effects and everything on screen that it can be hard to also figure out where to shoot or dodge.

The low health red flash is also not something I'm a fan of. I kept thinking I was taking damage when I wasn't. Feel like just having the health bar flash red would be enough. I think I enjoyed this most when I was fighting the worm more than anything.

Anyway, add a train.

Ah that was it. Either way, this slaps. If it's a good length I'll definitely pick it up when it's done.

I feel like the text rendering's kind of weird. Some bits are aliased, others are blurry, I dunno.

Love the world interaction, though I can't tell if I was able to pick up objects like eggs and bottles or if it was just the physics on my character.

Kinda want an option to zoom out or in. Games like Phoenotopia Awakening and Starbound (which isn't the best but still) have this and it's useful.

Reminds me of the games from Miniclip, nostalgic.

Probably my only thought I'd have is to have a bit of squinting or some other expression change when a fairy pokes a toad. Would fit the smug aura I'm getting from them.

You don't have to turn them off but consider (if you still have the layers for it) having the player controller on its own collider layer and having a collision layer that doesn't collide with that layer (you can set this up in the Unity physics matrix). When you pick up an object shift it over to that player-collideless layer, then shift it back when you set it down. That'll keep the physics but you won't end up with issues.

Random thoughts as I'm playing:

Not a fan of the colliders being active on picked up objects.

Enter to advance dialogue's a bit odd, making it able to be clicked through (or e, since that's the interact button) as well would be nice.

Like the silly animation that plays when entering a new decrepit australian shithole, but it occludes the crosshair. Moving it up a bit might work, or turning off the crosshair while the animation is active.

Turning controls on the ute are... bad. Not in a fun way bad. Like the level of interaction on the car.

After taking on a delivery task it'd be nice if the post-accept dialogue references where I need to go. 

Seconding the objects still having colliders being annoying. Maybe do something with collision layers that temporarily change when an object's picked up. Should be simple enough. Otherwise fun.

Yeah sure, I can add shadows.

Try running it with -force-opengl, otherwise give it some time.

>Not a fan of the fullscreen UI of things like the map, character sheet and inventory. In Freelancer you always had at least some idea of what was going on as you still has all your other UI and screen edges visible. This is a straight downgrade.

You can turn this off in the options menu: "Hide Inventory" will disable holographic effects in the UI and allow you to see the game.

I've had another user linux report the same, try running the game with -force-opengl as a setting.

Eventually there'll be full voice acting for all this, eliminating the text speed issue. It's always gonna be story heavy though. 

Good game, most of the basic stuff's pretty easy to figure out and the tutorial wasn't too overwhelming at all. Also the first Unity game I've seen on here that doesn't have the launcher lmao.

Building and stuff's pretty intuitive, for some reason everything gave me Supraland vibes and I can't figure out why, but that's hardly a bad thing since Supraland is good.

Other thoughts:

The dialogue clickthrough sound is really grating, I'd lower it or remove it outright.

Some brief text that appear when you select an item in the hotbar would also be nice, as would a way to easily scroll through it instead of having to press individual hotkeys. 

In general some more use of floating text or icons might help, like having the interact prompts when looking at a waifu/bed/whatever being more centered around the mouse and smaller. The guide line could also be smaller/harder edged, maybe with a marker at the end showing where it's gonna go.

Swimming's too floaty for my taste, having them slow down faster would help that a lot.

The water-the-carrots objective should probably complete when the sprinklers water said carrots even if the carrots aren't in need of water. Otherwise you're basically waiting around for them to beg the sprinkler gods to be saved.

Finally the memory usage seems really high in-game given everything, around 2gb. 

Thanks for the feedback, good to know there's at least a couple dozen Freelancer fans out there.

For auto-pilot at least, it'll have, eventually, a computer voice similar to Freelancer that can also be swapped around similar to Elite Dangerous' autopilot voices (so you can finally have a V-tuber narrate your autopilot commands). In general release will have the full voice acting it requires.

Campaign missions too are also gonna get a log and a way to actually check your current objective. You can currently make it redisplay objective (I think it's either N or M by default), and if none displays then there's no active mission. I've been mulling over also turning the end of that mission with the jumphole collapse that destroys the remaining ships and all that into a cutscene so the player gets a clear idea of what's happening, akin to FL's first mission with the rogue base exploding.

It might. RAM and CPU is a bit more important than GPU with this game.

Which docking tutorial, the one in the simulation, or the one in the main quest?

Yeah, the duplicating quest is a known issue, I was an idiot that forgot to add a quest stage check for that to the event that starts it.

The demo's pretty small though, it's only the first main quest and the first star system (plus all quests in there, which is around two or three).  Same with the door, in the final version taxis are gonna be a feature on most major homeworlds, for now the door's there as a placeholder.

For cockpits, you can customize them at shipyards, and disable their graphics completely in the options menu.

It'll freeze, as many big Unity games (Subnautica for example) are wont to do. Just let it load, it'll get there.

When you turn bloom off, what did those super glowy bits turn out to be?

Lastly, had you done any of the main quest missions at all?

Do you have your save file at all? It'd be located in AppData/LocalLow/Pastaspace Interactive/Saves